Sunday, February 22, 2015

Five on... Who Knows? Not Friday (Sorry bout it)

Please don't mind that this girl is procrastinating on blog posts. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Well this week I was only at school for half a day. Yes... half a day. It was pretty amazing. The snow/ice/slush combination hit us on Monday night, and just to be safe of icy secondary roads, we haven't been back to school yet. It snowed a little bit more on Tuesday afternoon. (I think it was Tuesday? Either that or Wednesday.) I didn't do much, I stayed up late, woke up (relatively) early, and didn't do much during the day except stay in the house.

I did hang out with my friends who didn't have school on Tuesday. It was awesome to see them, freeze my toes off (I'm the stupid one who wears thin socks with rain boots!), go sledding, and warm up at JSC's house while Snapchatting, editing future Instas, and just chatting away. It was nice to be reunited with my friends.
50 Shades of Snow... from my window.
I thought that photo (above) was pretty cool! Haven't seen that on Insta yet. ;) I love watching the snow fall. It's mesmerizing.

Yay for no school and snow days with my friends!

Left to right: me, JSC, ALD and MF

I got this shot of the girls sledding and it's one of my favs!
I stayed inside the house for most of the week! Ah! I'm ready to leave. I was telling J how exciting it was to go grocery shopping... just to get out of the house. When you're stuck somewhere for too long (especially inside somewhere), it sucks. Times like these make me glad I don't live in a tiny, cramped apartment in NYC. Too small for me to stay there for several days! 

Thankfully we've been buying lots of take out to keep us all sane, including sushi, Chipotle (twice), tortellini, and lots of random food.

Without further ado... my five on Friday!
  1. Lemon-cucumber water: Quick story: so we had some iced tea and I was talking about how I wanted lemon with the tea. My dad bought me some lemon, but we were already done with the tea. I went on to my second-favorite alternative drink with lemon (well third- second is with San Pellegrino), water! While chopping up an entire lemon (I'm a huge fan of lots of lemon), my mom suggested adding cucumber, since it's something people do to detox. I love the concept of detoxing- taking out all the toxins? Sounds good to me! I tried it, and I'm a fan. 
  2. Avocado: I typically don't get guacamole with my Chipotle, although I do love me some guac. We had lots of avocados at home this week, so I made my own guac. Chipotle's flavor totally changes with some guac, dang! It is a whole new world. I could eat guac forever and ever.
  3. The West Wing: My new favorite show. Ever. My mom told me I'd love it, and my boy GM said the same thing. I started one episode, wasn't totally into it, but decided to restart it and I'm hooked like a fish on a hook babyyyy. I love all the characters and the development. It makes me want to work in the West Wing a gazillion times more. I love Charlie, I'd want his job fresh out of college. I love all of their jobs though for real, Sam Seaborn's job is awesome! I wish I was that talented of a writer though. It's an amazing show! Try the second episode, I promise you, it gets gooood.
  4. Snow: There's nothing prettier than watching the snow fall. I took my first timelapse of the snow falling. J and A were impressed, so I was hype.
  5. Pinterest: After my girl H got a Pinterest this week, I was hype to rediscover my love for it! Follow me here! It'd be pretty cool for one of y'all to be my 900th follower! ;)

Have a great rest of your weekend/Sunday! :)

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