Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tutorial: How to Make Cute Binder Covers (+ Giveaway!)

There's nothing I love more than a cute binder cover! While there are some awesome websites where you can just type in what you want and they'll pop out with a cute binder cover, I prefer making my own. You can personalize every detail and make it to your liking!

What I used
  • Microsoft Publisher: This is how I met my binder covers. I know how to use Publisher well, which is why I chose Publisher. You could also use Photoshop or another similar program.
  • When I was in yearbook in middle school, our adviser recommended this website that is known for being virus free! As always, do use caution when downloading anything to your computer. 
  • Google Images and Pinterest: To find my favorite prints to use as the background!
1.) Pick your fonts! 

Download here:

All these fonts are free for personal use. For commercial use, check out link's information.

These are some of my favorite fonts to use! My personal favorite for binder covers (and in general) is KG Eyes Wide Open. I have all these fonts downloaded to my computer to use for making birthday cards for friends, school projects and for fun! I love fonts. You can download some of all of these to create your binder covers with. (For how to download fonts onto your computer, check this or this out!)

2.) Pick your background image! Whatever pattern you're using, find it on Google. Here are my tricks to finding the perfect wallpaper.
  • Use high quality, large images to decrease blurriness.
  • Find patterns that repeat, and if needed, you'll be able to connect two images together to make it look like one. (Does that make sense? More on that later!) 
  • If preferred, think about what colors go with your binder's colors.
  • When saving the image, open the image in a new tab to save the full version, not the smaller version.
  • For Lilly prints, I love this website! (Click on the image to enlarge it!)
I typically google "Lilly prints" or "preppy prints." To ensure I get a large, high quality image, I'll type wallpaper at the end. If you know what print you're looking for, be specific! It will save you time. Don't worry if there's something written in the corner, you can always crop it out.

Here are some of my favorite wallpaper prints: 
Note: if you like these prints, go to the link and save them there to get the higher quality images.


3.) Open your document. Go to Microsoft Publisher. (This is just what I used, if you know how to use another similar program, go for it!) Open to Blank Page Sizes and under Standard, click on A4 (Portrait). Then go to the Layout tab and change the Layout Guides. I change my Margin Guides to: Left, Right and Top to 0.287" and the Bottom to 0.487". 

4.) Add image. Then insert your image to the document. If it doesn't take up the space of the entire document, that's okay! No need to enlarge it to fit the into page, which decreases the quality. 

Instead copy and paste the image, so it's the exact size and reposition it so it matches the photo next to it. You may have to scoot the image up to overlap the previous image to get it to appear as one giant image. After I think I've got it, I turn off "Boundaries and Guides" (found under the View tab) to check. Zooming in the image can also help make sure you've got it matched perfectly.

If needed, repeat a third time until you've got it covering the entire page. If any part of any image goes over the page, just crop it so it ends at the page.

5.) Combine it into one image. Once you've got the image just the way you like it, hold down your mouse and go over all the images. You should get this button on your screen once you've done so. Click on it and all the separate images will combine into one!

6.) Depending on how you want your text to be, there are several different options...

  • You can have the semi transparent option. The background is still there, but it's more transparent. (Option 7a)
  • You can have the white option. (Option 7b)
7) Adding your text. Pick your font!

7a) For the semi transparent background option for where the font is. Copy and paste two of the giant image you have, and put it on the side of your screen. For the original image (image A) you have, crop it so you only have the top part that is the image. You should only have a tiny part of print at the top of your page. (To crop the image, you'll need to undo the "combine images button," click it to undo and delete the other images and crop the top one. Your end result should similar to this. (Part A)

Take your second copy and pasted full size image, and do the same thing, except crop part A and the bottom part, leaving a space for your text. To ensure that you get your cropping correct, lay image B over your cropped image A and crop it to the space for the lightened area for the text. (Part B)

Next take this image and edit its color. I usually start with the "Washout" effect, fading the color greatly. Then I play with the brightness and contrast settings until I like it. (I typically turn down the brightness and turn up the contrast.) Here is how mine looked after:

Finally take your last full sized image, and crop Parts A and B out of image C and add it to the binder cover. Your image should look similar to this.

Finally! Now add your textbook over the "transparent" part and add your text. If you'd like, you can combine all of this as one image to make sure nothing moves.

If you'd like to add lines above and below your text, insert an image and go to "Autoshapes," and under "Connectors," pick the line. While drawing your line, hold the "Shift" key to make it straight. After changing its width to your preference, copy & paste that line to use as your second line. Here is what mine looked like:

7b) For a white background, insert a text box where you'd like the white background. Pick the fill color as white. It should look like this. 

Create another text box covering the white text box and enter your text. Mine looked like this:

If you'd like to add lines above and below your text, insert an image and go to "Autoshapes," and under "Connectors," pick the line. While drawing your line, hold the "Shift" key to make it straight. After changing its width to your preference, copy & paste that line to use as your second line. Here is what mine looked like: 

And there you have it! A gorgeous binder cover personalized down to the details. All your friends will be asking where you got that and if you can make them one.

And for the giveaway... if this tutorial is too much work, I'll happily make you a binder cover! You give me all the details and I'll make it for you! Here's what you have to do to enter:

  1. Follow me on Google Friend Connect or Bloglovin'. Leave a comment on this post.
  2. For an extra entry, follow me on Pinterest! Leave your Pinterest username in your comment, so I know!
  3. For an extra entry, follow me on Twitter! Leave your Twitter username in your comment, so I know! (@preppyncblog)
  4. For an extra entry, follow me on Instagram. Leave your Twitter username in your comment, so I know! (@preppync)
I will post your binder cover on my blog and I will email it to you as a PDF so you can print it out. Good luck! I will be giving out one binder cover per winner, number of winners is TBD.

Make any amazing binder covers? Tweet me photos @preppyncblog or tag me in your Instagram photo @preppync.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fall Essentials

Fall. My favorite season fashion-wise (and possibly season-wise). I can wear my chino shorts with a light sweater at the beginning, and wear my chunky, thick sweaters towards the end of the season. High school football games, pumpkin spice lattes (which I fell in love with before they became popular!), pumpkin flavored everything (pumpkin bread, pie, you name it!), Halloween (I already have a plan for Halloween costumes this year... for the Instas, of course!), Thanksgiving, cuddling, new school supplies, crisp air and leaves, new beginnings and the perfect temperatures. We had a lack of fall last year in NC, and winter came sooner than expected. Here's to a long autumn!

Brown Bears Basic Arch Long Sleeve T-Shirt - Ash
I fell in love with the simpleness of the collegiate shirts and crewnecks. Something about my love for colleges, comfy clothes and looking casual... I'm a huge fan of the long-sleeved shirts too!

Factory Novelty Quilted Puffer Vest
So. Freaking. Cute. I've wanted this since last year, when it was available at J.Crew. Now that it's available in the Factory store, I'm a very happy girl because a.) it's cheaper, b.) it's half the price and c.) it's less money. You feel? My only concern with the gorgeous herringbone pattern is that I don't have enough plain long sleeved shirts to wear with this vest. I have lots of plaid and patterned button-ups, so it might not work. I'm considering getting a plain one, but seriously- how cute is this?!

Factory Warmspun Swingy Elbow-Patch Sweater
Another item I've wanted since it was in J.Crew last year. Elbow patches are my weakness. That and sweaters. I think this sweater is the cutest sweater in the world. Okay... maybe I say that about every sweater. But this sweater is so cute. I'll be picking it up sometime this season.

Factory Cable Knit Sweater
Another sweater?! This girl is crazy. I know, I know. My weakness for sweaters is similar to my weakness for shorts. (So excited to get my anchor shorts from Vestique soon!) I have a green Topshop sweater similar to this one and I adore it! I love this red color, and it's the perfect color for fall.

Pixie Pant
Pixie pants. Sigh, after reading every blogger's love for them; I tried them on in the store. My mom didn't like the way they looked on me, so I couldn't snag a pair. I really want this classier, much thicker, higher quality version of leggings. I'll try them again this season.

'Small Le Pliage' Tote
Something about Fall just makes me think of carrying all my items with me everywhere. Always be prepared, right? I've fallen in love with the Longchamp brand and this tote would be perfect for everything from corn mazes to coffee dates.

Lily and Laura Bracelets
These beautiful bracelets are the perfect addition to your stack with your watch! They sell them in a lot of the local boutiques close by, and they're so pretty. I believe they're $12 for one, $10 each if you buy three. I want three to wear with my watch- so pretty. And the best part? They're made in Nepal and their goal is to pay more than fair wages to the women who make them. I really want 3 neutral colored ones to wear with my watch every day!

Alex and Ani bangles
ALD showed me these bangles. They're really cute and you can get ones that are personal to you... similar to the idea of Pandora charms!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

New Season, New Beginnings

When I walked outside today, I could feel that it was Fall. It was chilly! (In the best way, I just wasn't prepared and was rocking shorts... whoops!) 

Fall is my favorite season. I love the Fall activities and the crisp air and leaves.

Here are some of the things I'm most excited for in Fall:


The State Fair: I might be totally biased, but North Carolina State Fair is like no other. Where else can you get a Krispy Kreme burger and deep fried EVERYTHING from deep fried butter, coca-cola, mac & cheese, and Girl Scout Cookies? I've always loved the State Fair. Ever since I was in 7th grade, I went with my best friend MNR one night. I look forward it to it every year. MNR is the youngest in her family, so she started going on rides at an early age. I'm not a risk taker, but she taught me how to love rides! I still don't go on every ride (she loves to try everything!), but I go on rides I would've never dreamed of going on a couple years ago. My favorite part is just walking around, people watching, and catching up. MNR and I talk about literally everything. I love how educated she is, and how much she knows about everything. It always make our conversations so interesting. Last year I think I went to the State Fair two or three times? I typically go two times a year; I love it so much! I'm so excited to go again this year.

Corn Mazes: First off, I'm a scaredy cat. I don't even watch scary movies. I love action / adventure / mystery movies that sometimes have lots of violence, but I've never been a fan of scary movies. In the past years, I've gone to a corn maze (not haunted, just your typical corn maze) with my Girl Scout troop and it's always fun because every time we're together, it's fun! However, this year we aren't planning on going to the corn maze. My friends and I were talking last year about how we wanted to go to a haunted corn maze. Hopefully this year will be the chance to go! I am really excited to go, since I've never been. Even though I might cry.

Halloween: I love Halloween! It's always such a fun holiday. This year, Halloween is on a Friday night and it's the same night as one of our home football games. Even better, it's the game against the school JSC and ALD go to! I'm not sure if people will be going to the game or to their own Halloween parties, but I'm up for either. Last year, I had a chemistry test the day after Halloween, so I couldn't go Kai-D's house to watch scary movies and pass out candy, but I'd love to get the chance to just do something low-key like that. (I already have a costume idea that I need 4 of my friends for... we'll see who's up!) If not, I can always go another route... I'm thinking about Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany's (my fav!). I'll have to keep looking on Pinterest for creative Halloween costumes.

I'm really excited because the museum that I work at, has a special night, for kids with special needs, to come to the museum and join its Halloween party, specifically for these kids, and I'm working that night! It's going to be so much fun. Also, is there anything cuter than kids' Halloween costumes? (No!) Well except...

The animal shelter I volunteer at has a Halloween event and they dress the dogs (the ones that liked to be dressed up) in costumes and have a parade with them! My heart melts every time.

Leaf Piles: I've always loved raking leaves and jumping into the piles. I'm still a little kid at heart.

What are you most excited about in Fall? I'm sure this list will get longer the longer I think. And am I the only one who loves the pumpkin spice latte? I tried it for the first time in 7th grade (before they were mainstream), and I just love it. Pumpkin flavored anything wins. I want to try the Salted Caramel drink too! J loves caramel, so I'll make him try it first, while I get my beloved PSL next time.

One of my current favorite (non-Fall related, sorry) songs to wrap up this post:

Have a great week!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Five on Friday

This week: Student Council #errything. From class t-shirts, prom voting, and nightly hour-long phone calls with J... it was so much fun! We need shirts saying WE <3 STUCO because it kind of consumes our life...

After a rough Monday because of some confusion with my GPA (always fun... it's seriously the quickest way for me to have a breakdown- yay!) and some drama relating to prom (seriously?! It's too early for this). I take things very personally, so Monday was a really rough night; but Tuesday got better. My GPA confusion got fixed and it was a mistake. Good thing I pointed it out!

The rest of the week flew by with some tests, meetings, the usual.

This morning we had a pep rally... at 5am. Crazy, I know!? We were on TV live that morning as we were on the local news' game of the week. The theme was America Out, which is always popular. Me and my crazy friends decided to go because we didn't have anything really important (school-wise) that day (aka no tests!) and it would be a fun experience. The pep rally was a little disappointing. They also distributed 125 free t-shirts at 4am, and it wasn't organized as well as it should've been. The people that woke up early were set on getting t-shirts, and they didn't give out tickets for shirts or anything, they just opened the gates at 4am. People were trampled and it was said that a girl broke her wrist. Lots of people cut the line as there were people who had camped out and lots that came right at 4. (We decided against going to get t-shirts, smart thinking on our part!)

We also had to fight for food tickets. In order to get food, you had to show that you had lots of school spirit. We all surrounded the principal showing we were wearing red, white and blue against all the other kids. I thankfully got a ticket because I was wearing red, white and blue and I'm friends with my principal. (Perks of being involved in school!)

Then there was Taco Bell and Chick-Fil-A. I didn't want Taco Bell (am I the only person who isn't crazy about it? I mean it's alright, but not my fav), so I waited for Chick-Fil-A, hoping that I would still get a biscuit with only 100 of them! I did and it was my accomplishment of the morning, for sure.

The pep rally itself wasn't that great. It was just us standing there cheering when they told us to, and occasionally chanting. If you weren't in the front, we were at one point, you couldn't see the cameraman, so it wasn't that hype. Lots of people just hung out behind the "camera crowd" (all the people in front of the camera). Even though it was early, I'm so glad we went because it was a fun experience.

I didn't go to the football game (which apparently was super hype, I wish I did!) First off, I slept until 8:30pm after school because being at school since 5am is exhausting! But also, I have a wedding to go to on Sunday, so my mom wanted me to get some homework done tonight... didn't happen. The next home game is homecoming, which I'm really excited about. It's been a lonnnnng week.

So without further ado, my five!

  1. This photo: Just because my cool science teacher tweeted it and it's actually the cutest photo in the world. New screensaver? It's actually my favorite thing in the world. Background: In APES, we do the coolest thing in the world. Our school has wetlands in the bank of it, so it's all forest with a stream and the wetlands itself, it's so pretty and I'll have to take some photos! The coolest thing is that there are lots of organisms in the wetlands! We catch lots of organisms like crayfish, tadpoles, bluegill, little trout and lots of cool creatures! It's so much fun to use our nets and observe the wetlands. (We have actual tasks, don't think we're just playing around in the stream, haha!) It's my favorite part of APES and how cute is this baby pig in RAINBOOTS?! Cuteness overload.
  2. Mind Games: This app is so much fun. I don't even remember how I was researching what brain-building apps to play, but I love them! I've always loved mind games, and I got addicted last night, I don't know why. (Acceptable alternative to doing homework?) Yay for apps that make you smarter!
  3. Family Feud app: This app is so addicting! My brother had it on his Kindle and I couldn't stop playing it. PSA I would rock at Family Feud.
  4. J.Crew socks: I wore these for the America Out and they're just so cute. I still can't believe I spent $9 on a pair of socks, but it's alright. 
  5. Pinterest: I've really been loving Pinterest recently. Post on some of my recent pins I'm loving to come soon! Follow me on Pinterest here! A quick preview of some of my favorite pins as of recently:
I'd drink coffee out of this every morning!
Can I call this home?
Love the combination of all the greenery and bricks.
I love jewelry with these gorgeous stones!
    The perfect balance of elegance and homey.

    Sounds like a dream.
Happy birthday shout-out to JSC! Her birthday is today aka Saturday (the day I finished typing this post and posted it). I'm always loving all the long car rides around town, late night conversations about everything from college to Tory Burch, and just being with her. We can always go from silly to serious like 0 to 100. Love you so much JSC!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Homecoming Outfits

I love Fall. It's the season for Friday night football games, pumpkin flavored everything, chunky sweaters, riding boots, crispy leaves and of course... homecoming! 

I love homecoming week. Spirit week is so much fun at my school. While we don't have as much school spirit as most schools, spirit week does get us more hype than usual. We also don't have a homecoming dance. Our student council adviser said that dances never work at our school, due to our lack of school spirit.

However I am so jealous of everyone with homecoming dances! Here are some of my favorite picks of homecoming dresses that aren't cheesy, tacky or gaudy. These are dresses you'd actually want to wear again.

ASTR Applique Shift Dress
What a gorgeous shift dress! I love the scalloped bottom.

ASTR Textured Floral Body-Con Dress
I love the bottom of this dress and the floral print! You can't go wrong with a white dress. White flatters everyone.

Pisarro Nights Embellished Mesh Cocktail Dress
Scallops and sequins?! Yes please.

Mcginn 'Mia' Print Fit & Flare Shirtdress
This dress is so gorgeous! And the back is to die for. The fact that it's 60% off makes it a win-win-win situation!

kate spade new york tropical print peplum sheath dress
Not sure if this is the homecoming dress for everyone, but it being 60% off and absolutely gorgeous... I couldn't resist!

BCBGeneration Cutout Lace Trim Fit Flare Dress
A classy, simple little black dress.

Cameo 'Liquid Love' Twist Back Crepe Shift Dress
How gorgeous is this color?! J'adore.

ASOS Double Peplum Hem Dress
Keeping it classy, simple and fun.

ASOS Wrap Front Mini Dress

ASOS Petitie Wrap Front Maxi Dress
A gorgeous dress for the full "Wow" factor!

Elise Ryan Skater Dress with Scallop Lace Trim

BCBG MAZAZRIA Draped Jersey Minidress
My personal favorite dress out of the bunch. How flattering is this dress?! So pretty.

Virgos Lounge Onyx Skater Dress with Embellished Shoulder

ASOS Texture Ruffle Bardot Skater Dress

What dress are you getting for your homecoming? Show me and I'll definitely be jealous.