Saturday, August 30, 2014

August Playlist

And here it is! My August playlist with some of my favorite songs from this month. I've been listening to this playlist on replay, so I think you'll like it!

Five on Friday/Saturday (+ What's To Come!)

Again, sorry for the lack of posts this week. Back at school and already back in the swing of things. It's been a long week (I don't think summer was longer than this week!), but really fun. I'm so excited to have some R&R time with this 3 day weekend and catch up on organization, blog posts, school and clubs. A 3 day weekend and a 3.5 day week next week? I can deal with it. Besides studying for the million tests and quizzes I have jammed next week, I am going to be blogging lots of drafts to post while I'm at school. I have lots of cool things to share with you including how to make your own personalized binder covers, my August Playlist, H's guest post on Indian fashion, tips on organization, tips on school, my ideal prom inspiration, and creative, healthy snacks and lunches. Get excited! PS: I started this post Friday night but couldn't think of what else to add! Here we go!

This weekend (as I said before) will include studying and catching up on sleep and homework, a brunch with my very best friends (MNR and AF) at a restaurant that I'll be trying for the first time, it's near MNR and she has the best taste in food. She's been all around the world (Japan, Paris, Italy, China, you name it, she's probably been there), so if she says a place has good food, you know it's good! I checked out the menu and everything sounds delicious! Stay tuned to hear all about it.

And here it is, my Five on Friday!
  1. Sleep: I miss sleep so much. This year has done wonders to my sleep schedule already. I'm testing my limits. I have learned the minimum amount of sleep I can get and still get somewhat energized is 6.5 hours of sleep... 6 hours of sleep turns me into a zombie. Here's to the weekend and hopefully getting much more sleep.
  2. APES: I'm so glad I didn't switch out of APES as I was debating about it all summer. Although the tests will be killer (and the main reason for my tears), the class is so interesting and I learn a lot. The labs are so much fun and interactive, and the textbook isn't that bad to read. (Regardless of the fact that I will need to know literally every fact in that book before test day!) I'm really loving the class itself though, the labs help me understand the concepts, and I have the coolest teacher on the planet. Mr. R is so kind, organized, chill and funny. Dream teacher.
  3. Prom Planning: This might be my new "Kids" Five on Friday post aka almost every week, as prom planning is starting. The first thing we're having our 80+ (CRAZY! And this is just in our grade?!) STUCO members do is come up with a prom theme they'd like to have for prom, then create a PowerPoint with decorations: wall, centerpieces, favors and more for that theme. As an officer, I created an example PowerPoint for the kids to base their ideas off of. I did a theme Mr. P (the old prom adviser) had told me about, and it was similar to a "Secret/Enchanted Garden" theme. The theme was very simple and elegant: flowers everywhere, fairy lights, candles- similar to the idea of a garden wedding. Here are some of my favorite photos for inspiration! Hopefully the rest of student council loves the idea as much as I do. I shared my passion for this idea with J, and some of my friends at lunch: SS, AV, TD and they loved it! I prefer it over the other themes suggested which I think could get cheesy quickly.
    1. via
    2. Binder Covers: I prefer file folders and notebooks, but some of my classes require a binder. I'm warming back up to the idea of binders, especially since my file folder got quite disorganized halfway through the semester. I love the idea of a notebook for notes (I was really late to this game! I was stapling all my math notes together by unit... not smart!) and a notebook specifically for math homework (genius! Thanks calc for enforcing this rule). My favorite thing about binders though is... making binder covers! Tutorial coming soon. Check out my APES binder! I love the pattern. I made some for EPP and SS and I love those too. (I think I like SS' one I made the best!) I'll show you all of them and how I like to make them. 
    3. Going Off-Campus for Lunch: Just leaving school when you're in school is such a cool experience. Driving around town with good friends, good food and good music? I'm a fan. (More about that in another post to come soon!)
    How was your week? Hope you're enjoying the long weekend!

    Wednesday, August 27, 2014

    Still Here!

    Sorry about the lack of posts this week. If you couldn't tell from the lack of posts or from reading my old posts, I'm back in school! Surprisingly, I had a great first day. (The year before, I wasn't happy and the year before that, I cried over the stress. Note: I cry. A lot. Sorry bout it.) The day after was harder, and today (the third day), I've gotten used to the schedule (but not the traffic situation: only one way in & out of my school at the moment as they're building another entrance... ugh!). I really like my classes that I'm taking this semester: AP US History, AP Environmental Science, Calculus AB and Entrepreneurship 1 Honors.

    APUSH could be a little bit better, I'm a little sick of boring lectures and taking notes. I prefer hands-on activities, which is why APUSH isn't my ideal class. I love social studies, but more on the economics, government, current events side... I love debates, seminars and argumentative essays! I am very passionate about specific issues.

    AP Environmental Science might be my favorite class. I have the best teacher ever! Mr. R is really relaxed, kind, always there to help, funny and the most organized person ever. I want to be as cool as him when I grow up! The classroom is huge and really cool- with painted marine animals on the walls (he also teaches marine ecology, I want to take it next year, as long as I get him as a teacher!), a class fish tank and gecko.

    Calculus isn't too bad so far, even though we are only 3 days in. We are currently doing review, so it's not too bad and it's a nice refresh on pre-calc. I really like the way my teacher teaches, which is awesome. He explains it in a way that I understand, and (I'm weird) I like the fact that we have a mandatory homework notebook.

    Entrepreneurship 1 is the best way to end my day. After all my AP classes, a fun, hilarious class is just what I need! Mr. T is this old, crazy, fun guy who always makes class fun. While we haven't done that much "fun stuff" yet, I know it will be! Mr. T told us about the two projects we'll be doing this semester: an interview with an entrepreneur, and making our own business plan! I immediately started thinking about these projects (I'm quite the crazy), and I would love the chance to interview the owners of Vestique, my favorite local boutique! The business has grown a lot since it opened, so it'd be awesome if I found the chance to get to talk to the owners in person, or even over the phone. Another idea could be my friend AV, as she has her own business, VuVu Designs! It'd be cool to hear her side as an entrepreneur, especially to hear how she balances her business, social life and school! (Perhaps a future interview on the blog? I think yes! This all just came to me, haha. I'll ask her!) I am excited to create a business plan for a fashion company similar to Vestique for my project next quarter!

    It's been great seeing lots of my friends again, even though I get to school late now (thanks traffic!), so I don't get to see them in the morning, which sucks. Lunch is a whole different world now that we can go off-campus, you don't even see people if you don't off to lunch with them.

    I went off to lunch with JG, Kai-D, SS and EPP on Tuesday; it was so much fun. We ended up going to Harris Teeter, Starbucks and Planet Smoothie. I got a Berry Bada Bing at Planet Smoothie and it was awesome! I could go for a smoothie daily.

    We decided not to go off today, and it was a good idea! They started checking off-campus passes today, and although we all had ours, it caused a major wait to leave the parking lot. Most people didn't get to leave until halfway through lunch! Around 50 people didn't get to go off since they didn't have their pass. It's crazy with only one way in and out of the school- we're all very frustrated. Tomorrow, I'm going off with bae, MS, and hopefully the lunch situation gets better! I haven't seen him since school starts, so excited is an understatement. (MS, if you're reading this- hi!)

    Again, sorry for the lack of blog posts. With the long weekend coming up (yay!), I will be blogging lots of drafts to post throughout the week so you can still enjoy Traveling and Buttondowns! Thanks for reading, y'all are the best. I have lots of exciting posts including lots of Back to School themed posts, how to personalize your school supplies (cute binder covers tutorial!), organization, eating healthy, and lots more! Let me know what posts you want to see! Lots of my posts will be relating to school since that's the main thing going on in my life. Every time I do something somewhat cool, I think "Hey! I should put this on the blog!"

    Have a great rest of the week!

    Sunday, August 24, 2014

    Before School Checklist

    Here's what I need to do before school starts! I'd suggest doing some (or all) of these tasks that you'd like!

    • Find schedule, look at classroom locations: No one likes to look lost on their first day!
    • Find parking spot in parking lot: For sprints to the parking lot during lunch!
    • Get backpack ready: Obviously.
    • Get school supplies ready: Kids that forget a pencil on the first day don't make a good first impression.
    • Finish summer assignments: Make sure you check their due dates! Some classes note that regardless of what semester you have the class, it is due the first day of school.
    • Paint nails: nothing says back to school like a nice mani/pedi.
    • Get back to school outfit ready: check the weather!
    • Pack lunch/know lunch arrangements: Always be prepared.
    • Get enough sleep tonight: Don't be that kid who falls asleep on the first day of class!
    • Relax: for the last time in a while!
    • Update calendar with events: Start organized, stay organized.
    • Clean room: Start clean, stay clean.
    • Organize closet: For all those outfit preparations.

    Saturday, August 23, 2014

    Goals: August 2014 - June 2015

    I recently received a lovely email from my dear friend, H. Those who've been reading Traveling & Buttondowns know that H is currently in India. For the past 27 days, she's been without WiFi. She sent me an email with some of her goals for the upcoming school year, and I thought that was a genius idea, so I had to try it out.


    Here are my goals! I'm really excited to be able to check some of them off as the year goes on!

    Goals for August 2014 - June 2015 
    1. Make the best out of every situation
    2. Complete the 30-Day Happiness Challenge
    3. Pack healthier, more inventive lunches
    4. Work-out at least 3 times each school week
    5. Travel more
    6. Travel to a new place
    7. Save up and purchase a more expensive, quality item (maybe these or a DLSR camera?)
    8. Improve photography skills
    9. Get my license
    10. Find another organization to volunteer at (I'm now working at the organization I volunteered at for the past 3 years)
    11. Find time to work at my job
    12. Try out a new restaurant
    13. Try something new each month
    14. Stay organized
    15. Redecorate my room
    16. Continue blogging
    17. Try out new recipes
    18. Do my best in school, at all times
    19. Get rid of / help my procrastinating problem
    20. Take a cooking, photography or art class (or all 3!)
    21. Go 24 hours without social media (for text messages- only responding to emergencies, family, and school related topics)
    22. Read at least one book every month (and blog about it)
    23. Eat more fruits and veggies
    24. Attend more school events (ex: football games, plays, etc.)
    25. Make a new friend in each class
    26. Complement others more
    27. Spend more time worrying about myself and less time worrying about others (as in getting caught up in others' Twitter drama, gossiping, etc)
    28. Go a month without shopping (AH!)
    29. Craft more often... including gifts for friends (Inspiration here and here!)
    30. Go thrifting
    31. Have a "crafternoon" with a friend (Any takers?)
    32. Attend a fitness class
    33. Listen to new music
    34. Go to a concert
    35. Get enough sleep
    More goals will be added when I think of them! I'm excited to share with you when I complete these goals.

    PS: I found this via Carly at College Prepster today. I think it's a great slideshow to view for everyone and I'm only a few slides in. It emphasizes why you should write down your goals!

    Five on Saturday + A (Not So) Quick Recap

    Seeing as how I crashed around 9pm (I don't remember, to be certain) and got much-needed 12 hours of sleep. After an amazing last week of camp, I can't believe it's already over! Doing before care with an awesome co-worker, working with preschoolers for the first time (and loving it!), and finally getting my hair cut and donated (and finally starting to love it!)... it's been an awesome week!

    A (Not So) quick recap of my week...

    I worked my last week of summer camp.

    The limit for my love of summer camp DNE. (Pre-calc joke because I'm lame... sorry!) I truly love everything about where I work. I've said it once, twice, and many more times that it's annoying, I know. I'm going to miss my fun, enthusiastic co-workers who are always ready to lend a hand, I'm going to miss my adorable kids who never failed to make me laugh and smile, I'm going to miss telling knock-knock jokes with my 5-6 year olds, watching bovies (book-movies) with my kids and watching them die of laughter during the not-so-funny but funny jokes, seeing a kid feel so accomplished after making a necklace, watching kids interact with each other and learn. I'm going to miss everything so much. Here's to an amazing summer... and the best job ever! ;)

    I worked with pre-schoolers for the first time this week and it was quite an adventure! They were so cute and as my boss M said, "Pre-school camp flies by because they do everything in slow motion." I couldn't agree more, while taking their time to wash their hands and playing with shaving cream, it was such a fun, relaxed week. Time truly flew by! It was amazing. They were so cute and teaching them to share toys, clean up after themselves and having to walk in a giant line where everyone was holding someone's hand was a lot of fun! I now adore pre-schoolers. My personal favorite age group is 5-6, but 3-4 is a close second! We received a card on the last day of camp from one of our preschooler's parents thanking us for a great week. It was really awesome, especially since this preschooler had difficulty leaving mom on the first day of camp.

    This morning, I woke up to an email from my boss, who forwarded me and my co-camp counselor for this week an email from a copy writer (one who works with social media), sending us a kind Facebook post a parent posted. The post was so sweet and thanking us for a terrific week of our preschool camp, it made my heart so happy.

    Knowing that my preschoolers had a great week of camp brings me so much happiness, it's indescribable. Sorry, I'm really mushy and cheesy... which is why I love summer camp and kids so much.

    I also made a trip to Mellow Mushroom to celebrate their 40th anniversary! They had the items on their menu from 40 years ago as the same prices they were 40 years ago! A small cheese pizza was only $2.50! Coca-Cola products were only $0.30 and select beers were only $0.75! It was a lot of fun.

    That night, I went to dinner at PDQ with JSC and ALD... We ordered 3 sides of fries... separately. Every time we finished one, one of us got up to order another. We tried so many of their different sauces from Buffalo BBQ, Ranch and Honey Mustard, and got milkshakes. It was so much fun! Although my stomach the next morning didn't quite agree with me! Good thing stomachaches come and go, memories stay forever! (How cheesy am I?) We drove around all night after just talking and listening to the radio. It's those nights that you cherish. (Mushiness out of the roof, sorry!)

    I received a phone call from the presidents of Robotics club, I'm currently the social media coordinator for Robotics. I told them that I wouldn't mind doing more than tweeting cool links to robot articles and reminders, so they found me the perfect position. They needed more positions for the club, and they gave me a phone call about being the HR Director. As HR Director, I will be in charge of interest meetings, informing everyone about what the team is like, details about when we meet, being knowledgeable about the club, be in charge of the waiting list, working on the application and transfer requests, and if there are any problems within the team, being a mediator. It's the perfect job for me, since I'm enthusiastic, bubbly, love to talk (I may be the only person who loves public speaking), and love to work with others and help them with their problems. I'm really excited for this position! I love to be active in clubs and keep myself busy (post on that soon!), so this is perfect! As I want to go into PR, I think this position is similar to PR, which will be a great "trial" into the world of PR/HR!

    We also had a Student Council meeting, and it was so much fun! Prom is coming so soon! (And when I mean soon, I mean 9 months!) I feel like we're planning a wedding, there's so much to do! I'm a little nervous especially with the number of STUCO members, how many will be participating and whatnot, but I'm also really excited! It's going to be an awesome year. PS: I attended my Student Council meeting soaking wet. I won Counselor of the Week and was surprised with a bucket of water poured on me by my boss (Friendly reminder that I have the best job EVER). All the kids at carpool laughed and once one of the campers realized that we had water tables out, and we were soaking wet, he screamed "Let's get the counselors wet!" We laughed and got super soaked. It was so much fun! Best ending to my summer job ever.

    Oh and H is back in town! Yay! H and I are really excited for her guest posts on my blog to come soon. Sadly, she's really sick right now, so I haven't gotten the chance to see her yet, but I'm so excited to see her really soon!

    Yay for a fun last week before school starts! I've got a lot of work to do this weekend of my summer assignments... fun stuff ;)

    Here's my Five on Saturday!

    1. Preschoolers: Are you surprised? I loved working with them this week. Although they didn't know how to walk in line, share toys or clean up after themselves... they learned so much that week! It was amazing to see them grow and mature as the week went on. I absolutely adore them and their way of life: taking things slow, easy and one thing at a time. With all the chaos that's about to come with school, it was the perfect way to end the summer.
    2. Old Friends and New Friends: I talked to some old friends this week and it was amazing how we started right where we left off, even though it's been months or even years (in some cases) since we last talked. And here's to all my new friends I've met this summer! From my co-workers to friends I've met through other friends, I'm so excited to have met you and get to know you better. Here's to exciting times to come soon! I'm so blessed to have the most amazing people in my life. I hope I never take it for granted. 
    3. Donating Hair: There's no better feeling than getting your hair cut 9+ inches! It feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders (seriously!). And the amount of complements you'll get about your hair won't stop! When my co-workers stared at me on Monday, I was like "what is it?!", then they said "Your hair!" One of my sweet, sweet co-workers C ran over and hugged me, she loved it so much! She might be a recent grad of college and cheer, but I already think of her like an older sister/aunt, she's so much fun, sweet and caring. PS: I donated my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, an organization I love and have supported 3 times now!
    4. Collegiate Shirts: I don't know why, but I love a t-shirt 1939 times more if it's a collegiate shirt. (Example in photo above!) I'm currently wearing another Duke t-shirt right now. I love to wear my Brown long-sleeved tee as well, maybe it's the false pretense that I could get into Brown or Duke? Haha.
    5. Mouthful of Diamonds: I really love the tune to this song! In before care for summer camp, my boss M played this song for a bit before the campers came in, and was like "I don't think this song is bad, and then she was like "Wait! It talks about getting high on your own supply." Right after that, the song said that lyric. I love the tune, and M has the best taste in music. I was jamming to the kid-friendly indie songs she played all morning! [Side note: I adore M! She's so cool. She's the type of person who's allergic to cats, but has two of them, because she loves them too much and hasn't found a better home for them yet. Side side note: Oh and her boyfriend and her are the cutest! He works here too, and I worked with him the week I did guest experience- such a sweet guy! He saw me working with one of the preschoolers this week, who had Down Syndrome, and said "You're doing a great job, Sam!"]
    Hope everyone has a great last couple days of summer/first days of school!

    Thursday, August 21, 2014

    Style: Then vs. Now (Part 1)

    I think it's always interesting to see how my style changes as time goes on. From the 7th grade era of Abercrombie graphic tees and Uggs... to my Lilly and monogram obsession (even though I never really had anything monogrammed and just a couple Lilly items!)... to my current J.Crew classics phase.

    I believe that everyone has their own 'style', and it's interesting to me that even though I don't identify things as my 'style'... when I'm shopping with friends and I'll point out something I like, they'll be like "That's such a Sam piece." So I guess I have my own 'style', whether I realize it or not.

    I was going through my old pins on Pinterest and was looking at how my 'style' evolved as time went on.

    Here are some of my older pins, and my take on them now:

    My take now: One shoulder isn't really my style. It just doesn't work for me, and to me, it's a little too "trendy" and as my mom would say "hip hop" (which in her world means hip/popular). I do like the bow on the sleeve, but I wouldn't consider buying this.

    My take now: I love the color combination of navy and white. I love stripes. I love bows. But I don't love this dress. I'm pretty sure it's because of the chevron at the top. I would prefer it to be stripes all the way, and perhaps minus the bow on the dress.

    My take now: So glad I didn't buy a pair of lace shorts because I think lace is overdone nowadays. There are some things that stick rock the lace, but in general, I'm over it.

    My take now: I have always loved the color combination of white and gold. This ivory and gold combo is perfect. I still love embroidery and the perfect amount of sparkle, which this dress provides. [Side note: When I was in 5th grade, all the guys were obsessed with cars. I decided then that my dream car was a white Ferrari with gold polka dots. True story.]

    My take now: Back when my interest in patterned blouses started... these blouses are personally too see-through for me (I hate having to wear a cami underneath them!) and too casual. Maybe it's the collar, plus the area for the roll up sleeves, the color combination, the pattern... I would never consider buying this now.

    My take now: Again, glad I never bought anything with lace. And never went with the bodycon look. I've never been a fan of bodycon, personally because I have a stomach... but still. No. I would never even glance at this nowadays.

    My take now: Note to my middle school self: Don't buy anything with the name of the brand written on it and nothing else. PS: Don't try to dress like the celebrity you're crushing on. And don't wear anything with their faces on it. (Liam Payne, One Direction, anyone?)

    My take now: If I had told middle school me that high school me got these shoes, I'm pretty sure I'd be dreaming. Still love them so so much. I want a pair in brown! (After riding boots and a nice camera and a nice bag... but I still want them!)

    My take now: I love buttondowns, just not the cotton buttondowns... with the oversized pockets that take up 90% of the shirt... no thanks.

    My take now: Also another note to middle school self, don't get everything Coach labeled. Especially this swimsuit... that's taking it a bit too far. Same with the Michael Kors to everyone in the world. Nope. I'm also not the biggest fan of LV bags because of all their labeling.

    My take now: This dress is just as gorgeous as it was the first time I pinned it. I'm in love and I want it. What a gorgeous shift! I've always loved shades of white/cream.

    My take now: So glad I didn't buy a pair of lace shorts. I think the moral of this story is to not buy anything that's "cool" in middle school. Yep.

    That's just Part 1! I'll make a Part 2 if you guys enjoyed this post and seeing my old "style." I'll add some newer style photos and give my take on it now as well! 

    *Disclaimer: Don't think I'm bashing on these outfits! I adored them at one point, and they're still cute- just not for me and my style.

    Tuesday, August 19, 2014


    I have many flaws, but the one that stands out the most is that I'm a worrywart.

    I'm always worrying and stressing over something, perhaps it's my need to not fall under expectations, or my fear that I'm not good enough... but I'm always worrying. I don't handle rejection or fear well at all.

    Am I the only one? I don't take rejection well. After working so hard for something, (it hurts the most for me when it's something like a job, officer position, etc.) and not getting it, it makes me question everything... "What did I do wrong?", "What could I have done better?", "Why am I not good enough?", and I usually compare myself to the others who got the job, and wonder "What do they have that I don't have?"

    This is most definitely not the healthiest response for rejection.

    I don't mean to sound snobby or anything, but I haven't had to deal with that much rejection in my life. All the things that I've worked really hard for (officer positions, jobs, etc.), I've gotten. I've been really lucky, but I did apply to jobs that I knew I was prepared for and I worked very hard to prepare for job interviews with my mom.

    Since I don't think I'm the only one who has this fear of rejection (hopefully my fear of rejection is greater than yours), here are some tips that I found online* (words are not my own!) to help deal with rejection:
    • Don't get angry. You are likely to feel angry, since you're human and it's hard to not take rejection personally. However, the reason you didn't get the job was probably the result of a variety of factors and not just a fault of yours. (source)
    • Exercise. Though you may not feel like it, hitting the gym or getting outside can help you feel better, especially after you get a rejection letter or call. “It takes about 20 minutes of exercise for the endorphins to start being released in your body,” says Richard Deems, co-author of Make Job Loss Work for You. Endorphins are natural pain and stress fighters produced by your body. The activity will help you clear your head, expend some energy and recharge for the next round. (source)
    • Accept it and move on. Put full steam into the next best opportunity you are working on. (source)
    • Understand That You Aren't Alone: Many more people are turned down for jobs than land them - that's a simple fact. Once you accept that, you can focus on the next opportunity. (source)
    I think these tips are all great for healthily dealing with rejection. Rejection is tough. It's nice to talk to a close friend and seek advice. It's nice to go on a run to clear your thoughts. It's nice to write/talk about it. (Like I am right now!)

    If you're not sure if you're about to be, don't worry over the fact that you've been rejected, but enjoy the time you still have. If you show how happy you are, your peers will see and notice that. Always be appreciative.

    [Side note: While all this post has to deal with rejection with jobs and positions, rejection from friends and crushes also sucks. Just remember what Oprah said: "I don't want anyone that doesn't want me." Take time to appreciate your true friends and spend your time with them, appreciating them instead of being upset over those who rejected you.]

    Monday, August 18, 2014

    Why You Should Volunteer

    Volunteering is something my mom has installed in me for a long time. Ever since 3rd grade, I've been volunteered. I have volunteered with Girl Scouts, school and by myself. By myself, I've volunteered at the SPCA and a local kids museum.

    • Giving back to the community is important
    • You can possibly find your new passion
    • You can meet new people
    • You can have a new activity to do
    • Possible networking opportunities
    • Looks good on college apps
    These are just some of the many reasons why you should volunteer. When you find something you're passionate about, volunteer in that field! Whether you're interested in being a doctor or you're an avid reader, you'll be able to find a volunteering opportunity suited for you!

    Places to look at for volunteering:

    • Libraries: tasks* may  include sorting and shelving books | great for: if you want a bit of peace and quiet, you love to organize, you want to check out what books to read, you want to become close knit with your library. Tip: Some libraries allow you to listen to music (with headphones) while shelving books... ask! The time will fly by while you're listening to your favorite album.
    • YMCA / Kid's Museums: tasks* may include playing with kids, set up and clean up | great for: if you love being with kids, considering being a teacher/working with kids in the future, love to have fun, if you need a lot of hours- time flies by! Tip: Don't be afraid to ask for advice! The staff have lots of experience working with kids and can teach you a lot. Listen and ask questions. "How can I stop two kids from arguing over a toy?" Most places with volunteers have information sessions where they'll explain the basics and you can ask all your questions. Don't be afraid to ask and speak up! Always ask for help when needed.
    • Animal Shelters / Zoos / Aquariums: tasks* may include cleaning the animals' habitats and rooms, exercising the animals, learning about the animals' personalities to "advertise" them to potential owners, prepping the animals' food, laundry | great for: animal lovers, those interested in working with animals in the future, those interested in learning more about animals and how to care for them. Tip: Always ask for help. If you're ever in a situation with an animal where you don't feel comfortable, ask for help! Pay close attention to animals with special needs: dietary, behavior, exercise.
    • Hospitals: tasks* may include paperwork, running errands | great for: those interested in perusing a career in the medical field, those who want to make connections with doctors (future internship?), being in a medical environment. Tip:
    • Food Banks / Pantries: tasks* may include sorting food, serving food, prepping food | great for: those who want to help out the less fortunate directly, don't have a particular interest in anything specific, want to try something new. Tip: Food banks typically let you volunteer with friends. Talk to your local food bank about volunteering with a friend. Volunteering with a friend makes the time fly by!
    • Habitat for Humanity: tasks* may include building houses | great for: people who want to get a work-out while volunteering, those who love being outdoors, those who want to learn more about woodworking, architecture and housing. Tip: Don't like building houses? What about taking apart houses? Habitat for Humanity has other volunteer opportunities if you're not up for the task of building a house.
    • Museums: tasks* may include cleaning habitats, working the information desk, giving visitors directions and answering their questions, working the galleries, and helping out with events | great for: those who love the museum's subject (whether it be art, history, science, etc.), interested in learning about the "behind the scenes" of the museum, wanting to learn more about the museum's subject, love helping others and answering questions. Tip: Always be enthusiastic and friendly when volunteering. The people you're helping are the museum's visitors and the museum needs visitors to function! 
    • Tutoring: tasks* may include helping kids with their homework, helping them study for tests, understand tricky concepts | great for: future teachers, those who love to help others and kids, the "smart kids" who are typically providing help to their peers anyways. Tip: Always be positive. Don't stress out about the kid's progress, the kid is probably already stressed. As a tutor, you need to provide positive reinforcement and constructive criticism when needed. If you're struggling with a kid, talk to whoever's in charge.
    While looking for a place to volunteer at, keep in mind...
    • How far away is the place? Is the commute going to be an issue? Who's going to be driving you; will there be any issues for them?
    • What is the time commitment? Are you expected to volunteer a certain numbers of hours a week/month/year? Are you expected to continue volunteering for the next month/year? Can you commit to the time commitment?
    • What is essential for volunteers at this place? Do you have these traits?
    • Is this something you're genuinely interested in?
    • What exactly will you be doing? There's nothing worse than signing up to volunteer at a kids' museum expecting to play with kids, when in reality you're just cleaning up after they leave.
    • How do you sign up for events? Do you sign up for events?
    Questions to ask if not answered...
    • Who do I need to communicate with if I'm unable to make it to my volunteer shift? How do I communicate with them? (Phone call, email?)
    • What is the dress code, if there is one?
    • What are my benefits, if any? (Not always the best question to ask when you're meeting for the first time... but listen up when they explain your benefits! Take advantage of your discounts, etc.)
    • How long are the shifts? (If not already explained)
    • How can I prepare myself for this position?
    • What are my responsibilities?
    • How will I be contacted about upcoming volunteering opportunities? (If not already set)
    • How will I record my hours? (Do I need to clock in/out? Do I need to sign in?)
    Things to Remember While Volunteering
    • Always be friendly. You might have to work with the same person again, or every time! You might even be talking to the CEO... Who knows? 
    • Listen. These people will give lots of advice and just want to help you do better. They are typically the experts in this field.
    • Never be afraid to ask "Do you need help with anything?"
    Other Tips...
    • Don't volunteer everywhere. While it's great to try out different volunteering opportunities, once you find one you like, stick to it! You can advance and become good friends with the staff. It'll lead to more opportunities. (Like in my scenario... a job! When I first started volunteering, I just wanted a place to volunteer at. 4 years later and I'm working there now!) Similar to clubs, it's better to stick with one place than go to every place to volunteer at.
    • Don't volunteer just for hours for a club or school. Volunteer for fun and as another activity out of school. Doing it just for school/club's hours loses the purpose of volunteering... which is helping out the less fortunate and those who need it.
    • Make friends with the other volunteers. It's just like clubs, forming friendships with people who have the same interests as you! I met some really great friends through volunteering, and I got really excited when I saw that they were signed up for the same event as me. 
    • Don't volunteer somewhere you're not needed. Some of my friends have volunteered at places where they ended up doing nothing for the time they were there. That was time you wasted doing something else, or volunteering at an organization that truly needs volunteers' help.
    • Do communicate with your volunteer coordinator. If there's ever an issue, let them know. If you need something (another badge, etc.), let them know. Similar to college professors, they might not know you well unless you're an active volunteer who's communicating with them.
    • Have fun! If you're not having fun while volunteering, consider looking for another volunteer opportunity that you'll enjoy.
    Let me know if you have any questions! I love volunteering and I believe it's something that everyone should do.

    Saturday, August 16, 2014

    Back to School: Essentials

    From fashion to school supplies, here's all the items you need for a successful school year!

    Backpack: I personally love The North Face backpacks. I have a Jester backpack (which yes, I did get on sale at REI a year ago for only $40). Even my mom (the ultimate saver) believes North Face backpacks are worth it. Why? The straps. The straps are so supportive on The North Face backpacks; they make carrying everything so much easier. It's better for your shoulders since the straps are much more supportive. Try putting a textbook in the backpack and compare it with another backpack. You'll realize the difference. All The North Face backpacks have these straps, so get whichever backpack suits you!

    Women's Jester II

    Agenda: What do all smart people have in common? They all have some form of an agenda. I strongly believe in having an agenda, especially if you're a busy bee, with clubs, sports and homework- it's the perfect way to keep track of everything. I live by my agenda and everything goes in it: from parties, birthdays, work, club meetings, club events, homework and deadlines- if I'm doing it, it goes in the agenda. There are lots of different agendas, so just find one that you love and has lots of space for you to write. The Lilly Pulitzer agendas are really pretty, the Kate Spade agendas are clean and organized, you can get a personalized May Designs agenda and Target has a variety of styles for a great price. In the past, I have used agendas from Anthropologie and Target. I think I might get a May Designs agenda this year!

    May Books

    Water Bottle: Staying hydrated is so important, especially in school! The benefits to drinking water are endless. Having a water bottle will ensure that you drink lots of water. I love to fill my bottles up with 1/2 ice and 1/2 water in the summer to ensure my bottle is always cold. To prevent sore throats (which are common for me as I'm always talking... loud), I bring hot water with me to school. For cold water, I use the Camelbak, because I love its simple bite & suck method. For hot water, you can use any tumbler. I currently have a Starbucks tumbler.
    eddy™ .75L

    Rain Jacket: There's nothing worse than sitting in a classroom, wet, sticky and gross, unable to pay attention because all you can think about is taking a shower. Bringing a rain jacket can save you all this trouble. I don't have a rain jacket, I have a mini umbrella- but I know I need to invest in a rain jacket for the school year. The North Face rain jackets have great reviews which is why I'm suggesting them!
    Women's Resolve Jacket

    Cute Shorts: Shorts that break dress code aren't cute at all. Remember that not only are you making an impression on your peers, but also your teachers. J.Crew chino shorts are my absolute favorite shorts of all time and I'm never going back. I have about 9 pairs of J.Crew chino shorts with the inseams ranging from 3" - 5". The majority of my shorts have a 3" inseam, since I have short legs and they fit very well. I recently bought a pair of Gap shorts that I also like a lot.

    Tennis Shoes: You'll probably have to take gym sometime during high school, if not every year. I used to wear Nikes, but when I switched to Brooks, there is no going back. I love the support Brooks provides and they're the shoes that the fast cross country runners wear (well my friend JZ, at least), so you know Brooks are great. I included the Women's PureCadence 3 shoes here because I have the PureCadence 2s and I love them. Besides, you need tennis shoes to go work out and keep yourself happy! (Endorphins! Check out this post if you have no clue what I'm talking about.)
    Women's PureCadence 3
    Wristlet/Wallet: If you need your student ID, license, off-campus pass, or any card for school, why not keep it in a cute wristlet? It's perfect to bring to football games, out to lunch, or anywhere with friends. You can just keep it in your backpack. I have this Tory Burch one in navy, and I love it! It fits my phone (which I don't typically put in there, since I'm always on it), my license, my student ID (got to get those student discounts!), off-campus pass and cash. Other options include the popular Lilly crossbody phone case, this chic Kate Spade wristlet, and classic Tory Burch wristlets.
    Robinson Smartphone Wristlet
    Did I miss anything? Stay tuned for a my take on a Spend vs. Splurge post on clothes!

    Friday, August 15, 2014

    Five on Friday

    First up: a quick recap of my week... check out Pint-Sized Recap for a couple of the things I did this week...

    You heard about most of my week in Pint-Sized Recap, but yesterday (Thursday) was SS' birthday party. She went all out, and it was so much fun! We took a limo (with the sweetest limo driver, Teddy!) to the Cheesecake Factory and had a blast. Post on SS' party with lots of photos to come soon. I had such a blast with my sweet friends. I'm still stuffed on cheesecake (as I type this at 1:09am on Friday). This was my first time (excluding the Sweet 'N Sassy limo and when I was a baby) that I was in a real limo... so much fun! We drank sparkling apple cider and blasted rap music on the way there, and on the way back, we discovered how to turn the lights off and change the colors of the "stars" on the ceiling. We took so many photos and I got defensive that no one else liked Craig's Crazy Carrot Cake cheesecake... so good! The s'mores cheesecake was really good though...

    Dinner included an awesome waitress also named Samantha, weird orange chicken, disgusting free macaroons from Anthro (I know, gross free macaroons- is that a thing?!), fried mac & cheese bites (YUM!), texting TD's friends and them fighting over having me as prom date... as one of the girls, Kai-D (I think it was Kai-D who said this), "Sam's the center of the attention and she's loving every second of it," no truer words have been spoken. Kai-D later in an Instagram comment spree replied to me saying #NoChill... again, no truer words have been spoken.

    Today is SS' actual birthday! Happy birthday SS! I love you so much, and I don't think I've ever became so close to a person so quickly. We just click. She's the McSteamy to my McDreamy, and she's the Nathan to my Lucas (Scott, of course!). I know she's reading this right now, so thanks for reading my blog and stalking me on the daily, SS. ;) You're the best! I'm so glad to have a friend like you. (And I'm actually obsessed with the photo of me, SS and TD! It's my current wallpaper on my phone; best photo in the world. It's funny because I didn't love it at first, but now I love it!)

    I also didn't do any summer assignment homework this week... got a lot of catching up to do this coming week. Oh well! I overheard my parents discussing a possible day-trip to the beach this weekend, fingers crossed!

    I'm also planning on getting my hair cut later today (it's 1:21am right now!), but after falling in love with last night's photos, I'm not sure... Well the appointment is already made. I'm really excited to be able to donate my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths for the 3rd time! (Update at 11:14pm: fell asleep and didn't get my hair cut today... it's okay because right before I plan on getting it cut, I start growing attached to it... I wanted it gone a few days ago... typical!)

    I'm also excited to pick up my order from Vestique! Haul to come soon with my Vestique purchase, my LaRoque dress, and Clinique products. (I don't usually buy this much, I promise... I probably won't be buying much for a while, hopefully! I am running low on cute tops though, any suggestions on where to buy cute season-transitional tops?!)

    My Five on Friday...
    1. Kids: Pretty sure this has been one of my "fives" many times before. I'm just in awe of how amazing kids are. Some of the things they say are wise beyond my years and other things they are say are just the cutest things. I was working today, and one of the older boys (about 8 years old) was playing in the hockey rink. The goalie was a little boy who was around 5 years old. The goalie didn't have a hockey stick, and was sitting down catching the pucks as they came into the net. I offered the goalie a stick, but he didn't want it. I also casually suggested/asked if he wanted to stand up in the goal, so it'd be safer. There were only three kids in the rink, not including the goalie, so I wasn't going to force him to stand because it was pretty safe. The older boy walked toward the exit of the hockey rink; I asked him if he wanted to get out. He told me that he left because he knew he wouldn't be able to control himself, and he would hit the puck with a lot of force, which might hurt the goalie, since he wasn't an expert at hockey. I wasn't even his mom, but words can't describe how proud/awed/amazed I was at this 8 year old kid for understanding self-control, even though he wanted to play. Way wise beyond his years, that one. Why aren't the people at my age like that? That's all I'm saying.
    2. SS: It's SS' birthday and I just wanted to say how much I love her. She's the one I'm always talking to about everything and anything. Our taste in TV shows is pretty much spot-on: Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy and now One Tree Hill, so we're always watching the same shows and talking about them. We take more photos than those clingy couples do, and our photos together always turn out perfect... just saying. We just click and always make fun of each other. SS is the McSteamy to my McDreamy. Love you SS! 
      Love you SS!
      Her dress: Charlotte Russe | My dress: J.Crew
    3. Cameras: After seeing J's GoPro Insta at Yellowstone and SS' family taking photos of us using their DSLR (I'll ask SS what camera they have, the photo above was taken on the DSLR! Such nice photos!) I still need to find a pair of riding boots (shudders at the thought of wearing Uggs another season), but I might postpone my want for Tory Burch flats for a DSLR. I think I'd rather have a DSLR than a GoPro, since I don't travel and do that many cool things. I want to persue photography this year as well. H and some of my family friends including WL and LY both have DSLRs and they rock them! WL's family and I are really close (Side note: WL's parents are like my unofficial godparents. I actually stayed with them when my mom went into labor with my brothers. I remember eating Apple Jacks for breakfast and drinking milk out of the bowl with a built-in straw (perfect bowl for cereal!) at their house when my mom called. I named my younger brother Christopher after Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh, even though my mom wanted Nicholas. Well, his name is Christopher now, just saying. My mom tells this story to Chris, and Chris wishes his name was Nicholas... sorry Chris, if only there was a Winnie the Pooh character named Nicholas!)
    4. Childish Gambino: SS' favorite. I started listening to Childish Gambino because of her, and I've got to admit- I really like it! I really like Heartbeat! 
    5. Clinique: I can't live without my 3-Step Clinique. I also adore all the products in the complementary make-up bags. The products truly work, and I couldn't be happier. 

    Hope everyone had a great week! Here's to a fun weekend and possibly an impromptu day trip!

    Wednesday, August 13, 2014

    Pint-Sized Recap

    What's going on in my life...

    I fell in love with the confidence wearing a black bra gives me.

    I tried out a new job at my job... from summer camps to working in the museum gallery exhibits.

    I found out what I want to major in, with some help of a college student... public relations.

    I received the sweetest email from my sweet friend from elementary school. It made me tear up. For real. I'm considering printing it out to look at it daily. AF is the kindest girl in the world and has a way with words.

    I did some major shopping. I got some new Clinique supplies (my all time fav, post coming soon) and a LaRoque dress!

    PS: I got this LaRoque dress for $30... you read that correctly.

    I got my eyebrows threaded for the first time. I teared up, not because of pain, just because of reaction. I feel fierce now.

    I hung out with one of my STUCO advisers, and we sold 65+ class t-shirts. Yay!

    I got the real scoop on college from a family friend.

    I was reunited with SW at a family friend party at her house. SW and I could talk for hours. We have so much to catch up on!

    I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have the best job ever. I adore my coworkers, bosses, job and the atmosphere which I work in. Not many people can say they leave their job happier than they came in... I can.

    I've read 80% of Mindy Kaling's "Is Everyone Else Hanging Out Without Me" book on the Kindle. I adore it.

    As a result, I've been rewatching The Office recently. I've fallen back in love with Michael Scott and the rest of Dunder Mifflin.

    I am reminded of how awesome, my president, J is. He's the best!

    I got my official schedule, and 3 out of my 4 classes first semester are APs... ah!

    I was reminded of just how much I love kids. So so so much.

    My aunt drove all the way up from Florida, just to drop off my car. She's the best and I'm so blessed. Leather seats and a sunroof? I'm hype. (It might be my mom's car though, since it might be harder for me to park since it's bigger... but eventually it'll be mine. Hopefully eventually is soon.)

    I'm ready for college for one reason: free stuff! My aunt dropped off some stuff my cousin didn't want, which included a handful of my favorite things: collegiate shirts. My cousin went to Duke, and she had so many Duke shirts, as well as a Boston College and Brown shirt, which I'm wearing now! She also dropped off some make-up for me... I love having older cousins!

    I am still waiting for someone to nominate me for the ALS Challenge. Anyone?

    And I'm still procrastinating on my summer assignments. Yep, there's that.

    Prom planning is still on its way... hopefully we'll pick a venue soon! We're trying to find the perfect one that's within the budget and has all of our requirements. Fingers crossed the one we're looking at now will work!

    Monday, August 11, 2014

    "What a Great Deal!"

    Sorry (not sorry) for all the fashion posts recently. I just found out about some more wonderful sales today, so I had to share!

    Kate Spade Surprise Sale: The sale just started today, and it ends August 14th at 11:59pm!
    Karolina Bow Heels
    Seaport Grand
    Carlyle Bracelet
    Gold Coast Meadow

    Design Darling 25% off Sale: Use code BIRTHDAYBASH for 25% off; ends today!

    Kate Spade Acrylic Stapler

    Monogrammed Acrylic Pencil Cup
    #ThingsWeLove Pencil Set
    Acrylic Tape Dispenser
    Kate Spade "If I Do Say So Myself" Navy Blue Notebook

    Tory Burch Private Sale: Ends August 15th.

    Double-Wrap Logo Stud Bracelet
    Shrunken Simone Cardigan
    Leather Zip Continental Wallet

    Classic Mini Bag
    Emmy Sandal
    Reva Patent Ballet Flat

    Reva Metallic Ballet Flat

    Nordstrom: How cute are these Kate Spade bow sandals? There aren't many colors and sizes left, but they're 50% off!
    'tracie' sandal

    Nautical Paper Cocktail Napkins

    What sales are you loving right now? Let me know! Did you buy anything from these sales?