Saturday, May 31, 2014


I've been blogging all my saved drafts this week; this week has been so busy! But I love love love 4 day weeks. One of my teachers had some of his former students come back and talk to us about college, I'm so excited, and they mentioned how some students have 4 day weeks every week. Love it! Of course, I probably won't have that. I'm going to try and have my college schedule where I have my first class start around 9-10am, and hopefully have my last class end around 4pm. I mean, it's just the dream- life doesn't always follow the dream. I'd rather have a class or two everyday than five classes a day... even if that does mean giving up the dream of a 4 day week. Wow, didn't expect to make a paragraph out of one statement (my life), so there's your random daily fact about me!

My week has been a bit stressful, and I've learned a lot about myself, my limits and my friends. Words can't describe how thankful I am to have such amazing friends.

If you have a Twitter, and follow similar people that I follow, you've probably seen this bracelet all over. (Pretty sure the "Tweet Like A Girl"'s Twitter account has tweeted it, and all those "big" Twitter accounts that get 100k+ RTs.)

lokai Bracelet
It's called a lokai bracelet, and it has a great message with the bracelet! The white bead (at the top of the bracelet) is infused with water from Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth, and the black bead holds mud from the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth. The bracelet's message is that the white bead represents your high points, "Sometimes you're on top, stay humble," and the black bead represents your low points, "Sometimes you've hit a low. Stay hopeful." The clear beads represent to keep moving forward. The two elements were brought together to find your balance. Click here to read the story behind to lokai bracelet. I would love to get one; I think the message behind the bracelet is perfect. 10% of the proceeds are donated to charities! It definitely describes these past few months for me: full of high points and full of low points.

Next week is going to be a busy one too, and the week after that. Thankfully the week after next is my last week! I just have to make it through finals! Please send positive thoughts for me these next few weeks: finals are so much worse when your grades depend on your final's grade, and for student council elections. I'm really nervous. I'm the type of person who hates being disliked. I guess most people are like that, but I take insults pretty badly. I need to stop caring what others think of me, and I usually am okay with it. J & I have just worked so hard on Student Council this year, and when a close friend told me that she heard two people running against us talk badly about me, it hurt a lot. I know that I shouldn't let things like that affect me, but I just hate it. I'm so thankful to have such great friends who can see how upset I am, and make me feel better with kind, supportive friends! I went into my next class hurt, but my friends quickly saw how I felt and they immediately were so sweet. I'm so glad for my peers- they're truly the best! Thanks to RH, SR, VV, DB, DS and JL!

Also a separate shout-out to my two close friends AS and HM! They're just amazing people and friends; it's times like these when I'm especially thankful to have them in my life. (Don't get me wrong, I'm always thankful for them!) 

And to my group of friends who are always supportive and kind: SS, TD, EPP, JG, AV, and JZ! What would I do without them? Oh and one more shout-out to my girls KD and BR for announcing to their English class to vote for me! (I'm not even in that English class!)

I'm really thankful for everyone's kind words and support! J & I have worked so hard, and we're really glad to have some great support.

On a non-school note, I'm trying to find more salad recipes! I love salad, and summer puts me in a salad mood! (Might or might not be influenced by the need for a summer bod...) Please send me your favorite salad recipes! It's times like these I wish we had a Sweetgreen in my area. I made a delicious salad with one of my favorite ingredients (not avocado!): fresh mozzarella. I've blog about it later. 

There have been some changes in my personal life too. (This is actually all my personal life... but you get the idea?) My mom cleaned my room for me. It's ironic, I'm the most organized person but my room was a mess. I don't really know why... probably because of all my clothes. Now it's not. Thanks Mom! You're the best. I got a new desk, which I'm in love with it. Our family friend had an extra desk, and I'm in love with it! It is white with a clear top, with room to put your papers and books underneath. It's hard to explain, but here's a photo. I love how much storage there is, and I'm really excited to add some photos in it! It's honestly my dream desk that I didn't even know I wasn't dreaming about!
View of my desk!
I have to add my textbooks and stationary,
and maybe tape some photos underneath the glass.

Just to give you a view...
The pen is on the surface,
My Google Calendar printed out
and English book are underneath!
It's awesome, and gives me so much room!
I'm in love!
I might do a post about it,
Once I add more stuff.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Deliciousness: Smoothies

It is finally warm where I live! Yay yay yay! Warm weather means smoothie weather! Smoothies might just be my favorite food/drink in the world. (Most people drink smoothies, but I like my smoothies so thick; I have to eat them with a spoon!)

It's quick, delicious and easy! It's also really healthy and fills you up! (Then again I make a giant smoothie... whoops!)

It's a work of art.
Ingredients: 2 cups of frozen strawberries, 1/6 cup of milk (whatever type you drink! We drink skim at my house), 2 teaspoons of honey
You can add other fruits and yogurts, if you'd like! This is just the recipe I used for this time.

1.) Add all the strawberries and milk into blender.

2.) Drizzle honey on top of strawberries.

3.) Blend. Depending on how thick/sweet you like your smoothie, add more milk and honey accordingly. 

4.) When the smoothie is the thickness to your likeness, and all strawberries are blended, stop blending! 

5.) Enjoy!

I love my blender! It works so well, and makes the best smoothies.
It can also turn ice into snowballs, which is great.
My brothers and I love making snowballs, and adding syrups.
It's actually a food processor, which can also make drinks!
Ninja food processor

5 minutes later, already almost gone...
It became more liquid than solid quickly
After enjoying it in the sun.

Do you love smoothies? What's your favorite food/drink item for the spring and summer? What's your favorite smoothie recipe?

Monday, May 26, 2014


Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all those who have served, are serving and are planning to serve our country and keep us safe. Thank you to those who risk their lives so we can enjoy our lives.

"Home of the free because of the brave."

And... it's Monday. Say what? Time flies. It's May 26th?! For real?!

It seems surreal. But the never ending graduation and poolside photos are constantly reminding me that it's almost the end of May. Almost the end of the school year. Crazy. Time flies!

I'm so sad that it's almost graduation because I have many close friends leaving at the end of this year! I know they're going to do great things in their future! I wouldn't be surprised if you hear see some of their names in Time Magazine's Top 100 Influential People in a few years!

I'm especially thankful for the senior student body and senior class presidents, MJK and ST! They've always been so nice to me and J, and gave us lots of advice about how to lead our class well. I couldn't imagine two better people to lead the school than MJK and ST! And ST has been campaigning hard for me and J, since we can't officially campaign yet for Pres/VP next year! My friend H texted me saying that ST annouced to her anatomy class (which H is in) for everyone (in my grade) to vote for me and J! ST even made a call & response with the class:

ST: "Who are you gonna vote for?!?!?!"

I love ST so much. My friend EPP was telling me that ST was telling her statistics class (which EPP is in) that me & J are the best Pres/VP that (our grade)'s Student Council has ever had at our school. ST rocks!

J & I are so thankful to have supporters like ST. J & I have worked really hard this year, and we think we were successful with all of our tasks. Since we made a Twitter account for our class, more students know what student council is and does, and are more interested in joining. We have an interest meeting on Wednesday at lunch for all students interested in student council, so I'm excited to see the turnout! Hopefully they will all be committed members with good work ethics. My pre-calc teacher, Ms. B, who is the student council advisor for the grade above me, said that the second meeting had 1/2 the number of members compared to the first meeting. Hopefully J & I will be elected Pres/VP next year, and we'll have dedicated members! J & I have some great plans, and we are both sooo excited!

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! I had a blast in Atlanta, Georgia. Don't worry, there will be plenty of posts about this weekend soon. While there, I kept thinking "Wow! This would be a perfect blog post!" So... I will get on that ASAP. ;)

I know, I know, I've been slacking on my Five on Fridays. Can we just take a second to gasp at the fact that I only went to one class on Friday?! That is not a typical move for Samantha. Never. I don't think I ever ditched class until this semester. I've only done it two times! The first time, I missed first and second period the day of my statistics AP exam because if I had gone to second period, I would've had to take a test. No thanks! I'm that kid who even asks my teacher if it's okay for me to not show up to her class, so I don't have to take a test. This was my awesome teacher, Ms. B's class, and she understood because I had the AP exam. Ms. B rocks! So I didn't want to wake up and come to school just for my first period. And on Friday, I missed first period because I was studying like a madman for my second period test (the usual... got to love pre-calc) and I was leaving for Atlanta after. So I only went to my second period to take a test, is this my life?!

I went to Atlanta this weekend, and it was so much fun! Family vacations have their ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. I wasn't planning on going shopping, but we had a relaxed day yesterday, so I went to the mall close to our hotel. Best decision ever! Somehow, every time I go shopping with my mom, we find the best deals! Just our luck. I'll post all about my newest purchases soon.

This week is a busy one too! I got home 1.5 hours ago, and I still have to finish my homework for first and second periods, practice a presentation for fourth period, and make up a test for third period (I actually missed this test from my statistics AP exam day, because I was taking the exam during third period... whoops!). The end of the year really snuck up on me!

I have some fun activities this week too (don't worry!). Tomorrow I have a meeting at my new job, (!!!) and I'm so excited! I'm going to be a summer camp counselor, and I will get to meet all my new co-workers. The meeting is not all business, there will also be a meet & great, fun & games, and a cookout-style picnic. Excited is an understatement.

Wednesday is our Student Council interest meeting. I can't wait to see who's interested in becoming a member of student council, and J & I will officially see who our competition for Pres/VP will be. I'm a little nervous for that, but it will all be okay! J & I are excited and nervous, but mainly excited.

I applied for a club called Ambassadors at my school, and got accepted! I'm really excited! Ambassadors lead Freshmen Orientation in the summer. A couple of my friends including J, another STUCO president NJ, and my good friend JZ are ambassadors too! I can't wait to see who else is in the club! J & I are already planning on running for officer positions next year. ;) I'm hoping to give tours with JZ! JZ and I get along really well. JZ was in my Spanish class last semester, and she's in my pre-calc class this semester! She's definitely the yin to my yang. She always calms me down and gives me the best advice! She always makes me feel better after a pre-calc test... And she always helps me with pre-calc, she's like a pre-calc genius. And a chemistry genius. And she's good at standardized testing?! (Yes, she is a real person!) I low key am jealous. Just kidding, it's not low-key. I've told her many times. Oh, and she's super athletic- last year, she did track and soccer- in the same season! They didn't allow her to do it this year, but soccer is really competitive at our school, and her main sport is running... she's just that talented. Oh and she loves theater and she can sing. Sorry I could go on about JZ all day. But the best part about JZ is that she's the nicest person ever, and we just click; I'm so excited for her to join STUCO this year! She tried to get me to join cross country, hahahaha no. I wish I could run, then I would! Anyways... back to the purpose of this paragraph- we have our first Ambassadors meeting after school on Thursday! Yay!

That's a not so quick recap of my life right now. Hope you're all enjoying the warm weather!

Last questions: anyone know where to get a cute pair of white jeans? Or wedges? I'm still looking. I really want a pair of white jeans right now! The need for wedges will come later this summer...

Also for my new job, I need to wear closed-toed shoes that are comfortable to walk around in! Should I get a pair of Nikes or Vans? I don't wear athletic shoes that often to school, so it would mainly be for summer, the gym and the occasional wear to school with Norts and a tee. Vans are really cute, but I've never owned a pair! Can I wear Vans with chino shorts and a tee? I think so. My mom is uncertain whether Vans are good quality or not... I'd love a pair of J.Crew Vans.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Weekend Threads

Happy Memorial Weekend! Thanks to all those who have / are currently serving our country.

I wasn't planning on posting until tomorrow, since I'm on vacation, but it was too good to share! I'm blogging off my phone, so this post won't be formatted like my usual posts.

Some great deals for Memorial Weekend:

American Eagle: I haven't shopped at American Eagle in a while, but their jeans are my favorite. I had to stop back into the shop today when I saw there was an additional 70% off clearance! (In stores only) I got a pair of jeans for less than $8... Talk about a great deal! Check it out if you get the chance. (Online is additional 50% off clearance and free shipping.)

J.Crew: Additional 40% off clearance which is great for me! There are some 4" inseam chino shorts on sale, so yay! I got 2 pairs for $18 a piece, including the additional 40% off.

Lucky Brand Jeans: Additional 30% off everything. I got a gorgeous top for only $15. I was so lucky because I couldn't find anything cute (in my cheap budget), and my mom grabbed a shirt saying that she thought I would like this type of shirt. It was only $20 and I love it! New favorite shirt. Thanks Mom!!

Lands' End (at Sears): $5 for certain clearance. I don't shop at Sears, but I had to wear my mom's Lands' End buttondown for a job interview. We walked past Sears and decided to go in after seeing Lands' End. There was a certain part of the clearance where everything was $5! The sign was confusing, but we just used the scanner.

Here's to the weekend! Happy shopping, and have a great Memorial Weekend!! Photos will be posted soon.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


What is happiness? I honestly think that happiness is being at peace with yourself. Despite all the crazy that the world throws at you, you know it will all be okay in the end.

After hearing a lecture about happiness in robotics club and a deep talk with my true friend H, I think I've found that. I've been really stressed these past weeks, and I think something as simple as a true, genuine conversation was enough for me to make some internal changes.

Here's how I found peace with myself...

  1. Do what you love.
  2. Be with who you love. (Friends, relationships, family, peers)
  3. Don't knock yourself down.
  4. Be optimistic.
  5. Put yourself first.
  6. Prioritize.
  7. Organize.
  8. Be healthy.
  9. Get enough sleep.
  10. Read.
  11. Educate yourself.
  12. Don't care what others think about you.
  13. Forgive others.
  14. Forgive yourself.
  15. Do what you think is the most important.
I'll elaborate on each of these bullets and my personal stories later on. I just wanted to share. I hope everyone is happy! And if you're not currently happy, I hope you find yourself happy soon.

I'll leave you with the wise words of our amazing speaker from robotics today: "You don't want to wake up one day and find that you're not smiling. Do what makes you happy."

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It's the Little Things

I'm ready for this 3 day weekend.

Here are some little things that are making my week better (unfortunately, they aren't making my week faster! Friday, where are you?!)

2 (and a bit) Hours of Jack Johnson.
Yes please.

Change: I actually am not a fan of change. Well not the concept of change, but change is needed. Change is good. (Most of the time...) I joined a new club, Robotics, and I'm social media coordinator for it! I'm really excited. This is definitely out of my comfort zone (Student Council, Beta Club, Future Business Leaders of America, volunteering with kids)... but I'm excited to see what I'll find in Robotics club! I now have four Twitter accounts on my phone: my personal, Student Council, Beta Club and Robotics.
I also got accepted into my school's Ambassadors program. It's where students give rising freshmen tours of the school and answer any questions they have. We encourage them to join clubs and sports, and it's going to be really fun! I have my first informational meeting on Thursday and I'm really excited! I knew I wanted to be an ambassador the day I went to freshmen orientation and saw the students doing this! It's going to be so much fun! I know that two of my friends are also ambassadors, so I'm really excited!

Kate Spade Surprise Sale: I don't think I'm going to be buying anything at this surprise sale, but Kate Spade has some great deals! Here are some of my favorites.

Sign Post Scarf
Gold Pyramid Carousel  

Charm City Ostrich Presley
Marble Hill Christy

Daycation Bon Shopper

Twin Day, captioned "Why are you so obsessed with me?" 

Not joking, this was a candid.

Watercolors (Kinda):
Original photo

The watercolor is more obvious when it's bigger.
I love watercolors. Especially ones I can make with the click of a button. Shout out to cell phone apps for making art out of photos just like -that!-

Hope this made you happy. Blogging always makes me happy, so I had to share!

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Sorry this weekend might be the BUSIEST weekend I've ever had. (Not a joke) I got home around 10pm last night, and that was the second time I'd been home that day. The other time was for less than 2 minutes (not a joke) to change out of leggings into jeans because my mom insisted.

Immediately after school was prom set-up for 4 hours... talk about crazy! The poor student council advisors were so stressed, they were there since 8am setting up! We put together the prom favors (personalized cups that say Great Gatsby Prom on them filled with personalized gold M&Ms that say "Great Gatsby" and "Prom 2014," they are so cute!

After prom set-up, I changed in the prom venue's bathroom but my mom insisted that I change into jeans instead of leggings because it looked nicer. I stopped home, ate some strawberries in the car, changed, and hopped back into the car to get to... Mr. (my school's name). Mr. ________ is like a beauty pagent for the funniest seniors at our school. They're each supporting a different charity, and the winner's charity will recieve all the profits from the event! It is hilarious, and so much fun. There's a Q&A session with each of the boys, skits mocking the teachers, and the group dance section. Funniest 2 hours of my life. Those boys were practicing every lunch period for 4 weeks! Highlights include a skit mocking my BFF, Ms. B and a skit where our old principal came back and surprised us (and yes, I was one of the only people in on that surprise, got to love being on student council! I had to greet him from the side door and explain to him how it would work, it was great! Plus I got backstage access!), a Miley dance where there was a boy SWINGING FROM THE STAGE ON AN ACTUAL WRECKING BALL, a boy dressing up like Elsa from Frozen and doing Let It Go, a High School Musical "We're All In This Together" scene complete with Troy & Gabriella, and dancing to Gas Petal (done by my really cute and funny friend HP's brother- oh and the really cute and funny one is HP... but his brother is too!)

Gas Pedal!


We're all in this together!

The show was amazing and so hilarious, and my friend HP's brother won! I was rooting for him, mainly because he's adorable and HP's brother. Oh and HP's brother might be the sweetest guy in the world. He's so modest and respectful. You can tell from his celebratory tweets. He's just thanking everyone and talking about what an amazing experience it was. Side note... HP's brother has his state meet for track this morning... talk about busy! He tweeted how this weekend might be his busiest. Seriously! He's probably even busier than me. Back to Mr. ____, I would love love love to host the show my senior year... :)

This Weekend:
Today I am planning on going to the pool with some friends for a little while to relax. I haven't seen them for a long time, and I'm so excited! I know there won't be a moment we won't be singing or talking. ;) Then I get to go volunteer at PROM! Ah! The theme is Great Gatsby and I'm sooo excited! What a perfect theme! It'll be my first time at prom, so I'm super excited. I can't wait to see everyone! I'll be doing coat check, the most important part of the prom volunteering- it gets super hectic during rush hours. (Around 9pm, and after prom king & queen are announced!) I'm so excited! I kind of wish I was doing tickets so I could see and talk to everyone, but I'll definitely get time to talk to all the guys in line during coat check! ;) I've seen the decorations, and everything looks amazing! I hope everyone loves it as much as I do!

What a perfect quote for Great Gatsby prom!

I love this.

How gorgeous is this?! Like a work of art.

All images via Pinterest.

I also have two projects I need to complete (and one of them is supposed to take five hours minimum... oh), watch a movie for a test (not even joking, I get to rewatch Inception and take notes on why it's magical realism!), and study for a test... yay!

Here's to an amazing weekend so far, and hopefully an even better one by tomorrow! ;)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Current Cravings

Just because my obsession for clothes (mainly, shoes) this week is REAL.

I have a million things to do, but it's pouring outside and I just needed a R&R day (rest and relax? rest and rejuvenate? relax and rejuvenate? I don't know...) So I fell asleep to John Mayer and took a nice long nap. Then online shopping. I'm supposed to be doing a project, but it can wait until this weekend. I've been exhausted all week, so this afternoon was perfect. Just what the doctor (if I were a doctor) ordered.

"Shopping is cheaper than therapy." -Author Unknown
After having a pair of sky blue Jacks,
I've converted to neutral shoes.
(For the majority of the time, at least)
How simple and pretty are these?
Viv Flat
I want a pair of brown shoes.
(Can ya tell?)
Because my Tory sandals are black...
A girl's gotta have options.
Tumbled Reva Ballet Flat

I think I found the pair of wedges I want!
How cute are they?
Steve Madden 'Roperr' Wedge Sandal

The need for gingham continues.
So sad that the Brooks Brother gingham shirt I wanted (that was on sale)
Sold out immediately after I blogged about it.
I love this Brooks gingham, love the contrasting sleeves! AH!
Gingham Dress Shirt
How crazy am I
If I want a Vineyard Vines shirt because
a) super cute and
b) I want a VV sticker for my new CamelBak
What can I say? #shopoholicprobz

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Current Cravings

Do you ever have a craving to shop? Because I know I do. #shopoholicprobz. Just call me Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl) or Carrie Bradshaw (Sex & The City) or Brooke Davis (One Tree Hill). 

What's currently on my (dream) shopping list...

J. Crew Vachetta Leather Canvas Wedges
(A little) more budget friendly than the Kate Spade wedges
I originally had my eye on.
But not really in my budget.
Especially after I just bought the Tory sandals.
But they're currently 25% off at J.Crew. (!!!)
They're $126 which is a good deal for J.Crew shoes... right?
Although my mom probably won't let me make a big purchase on shoes
Anytime soon...
We'll see. ;)
(And how often would I wear them?)

J.Crew Stretch Toothpick Jean in White
I just really want a pair of white jeans.
They're sooo cute.
And how cute would they look with those wedges? ;)
Perfect for summer dinner dates with BFFs!

J. Crew Corgi Lightweight Pattern Socks
Bulldogs are my favorite dogs.
They're just sooo cute!
My friend HH has an English bulldog named Scout.
Cutest dog in the world!!
These are actually from the men's section and they're $28 (!!)
I'd still get them. I'm obsessed.
You have permission to call me crazy.
(Because I am)
Lilly Pulitzer Callahan Short
I'm really sad that Callahans are 5",
Because I'm really short,
And my shorts look best at the 3" inseam.
And I love love love this print,
And it's only available in the Callahan short.
Maybe I'll just get a pair of longer shorts!

Vestique Busy Body Dress
I love shifts.
I love prints.
I love this dress.
Lilly Pulitzer Walsh Shorts
Thank goodness Lilly made 3" inseam shorts.
As I was saying, I love lots of different prints together.
Lilly Pulitzer Delia Shift Dress
Yet another example of my love for different prints
And shifts.

Brooks Brothers Cotton Canvas Slingback Wedge
I really wanted a wedge in a neutral color, preferably brown or white.
But how cute are these navy ones from Brooks Brothers?!
And the price is hard to beat... they're on sale for $80.40.
Their original price? $268!! And they're extra 25% off during Brooks' Friends & Family sale.
Can I have both pairs of wedges?!

Lilly Pulitzer Nicole Strapless Romper
Exhibit B of why I need those wedges.
And this romper.
Plus white makes people look tanner!
Brooks Brothers Gingham Shirt
I am dying for a gingham shirt,
It's one of my all-time favorite prints.
Stripes and gingham and plaid.
What else do you need?
I've never shopped at Brooks,
But I know the quality is amazing.
I didn't realize the sale prices were also
So amazing!
I feel like I need this. Need.
Oh and how cute would this shirt look with white jeans...
And wedges?! Just saying.

Gap Fitted Boyfriend Gingham Shirt
I think my (unconscious) life goal is to own
Every buttondown.
I love the way buttondowns fit,
They make me feel "some type of way."
(As the cool kids would say)
What do you want/need (want is the same thing as need, right?) for the summer? Any good sales going on right now? 

Here's what I know...
  • J.Crew has certain styles that are 25% off
  • Gap has 30% off regular priced styles
  • Brooks Brothers has 25% off during their Friends & Family Event
Let's shop the weekend and week away!

I'm so excited for Friday!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Five on Friday

AH! This week has been complete chaos. Actually, let's be real... all of May will. There has been lots of tears, (unfortunately not happy tears) but I'm glad this week is over. Can we just fast forward to next Friday? Next week includes a makeup pre-calc test, and my second (and last) AP exam. I'm really excited for Friday though!

Without further ado... my 5 on Friday!
  1. Positive people: I freak out. Easily. It's not a good trait, but it's definitely a trait I have. I'm so thankful to have those "look on the bright side" people who make my life so much better. I try hard to look on the bright side, but I can't always be positive. Stress is my worst enemy. I took my first AP exam today, and I was so thankful to have my sweet friend Noah tell me that it would all be okay. He was really chill before the exam, but he also is already accepted into college (which is the college I want to go to!)... soooo. He kept telling me that it would be okay. I'm so thankful for people like Noah in this world to calm down the crazies (aka me!). And so thankful for my sweet friends who pray for me after I scream at them that I hope they do! Oh and my partner in crime (aka student council) J who is always really positive and makes me realize the problem isn't that big a deal.
  2. Teachers: It's Teacher Appreciation Week! I'm so thankful for all the amazing teachers I've had. Special shout out to: Mr. Perks who hasn't even been my teacher yet but he's my mentor and I go to him all the time for advice, Mr. P who has taught me to follow my dreams, greed is good and to live my life, Ms. R who helped me every single time I needed help in chemistry (and that was a lot of times!), Ms. B who was my super fashionable, adorable Algebra 2 teacher who is the sweetest and I love love love, Ms. B2 who is my pre-calc teacher and always there to explain the concepts, Ms. Brown who is my crazy, sarcastic, hilarious AP HuGe teacher. They're just a few of my amazing teachers I've had/have. Student Council (me and J!) organized a #TeacherSelfie contest to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week... it was a huge success! We got over 200 photos throughout the week of students and teachers being silly and getting super creative. J & I even got local companies to sponsor us with prizes. It was a ton of work, but soo worth it. We love student council and our teachers. Love it! This is becoming an annual tradition. :) 
    Me & Ms.  B!
    I'm so excited she'll be my student council advisor next year!
    My shirt is tucked in weird... sorry!
    Shirt: Ann Taylor, Shorts: J.Crew, Jack Rogers
  3. Quick texters: Hey. It's the little things. I'm always on my phone, whether it's updating the student council Twitter or reading my Skimm email of the day. I love when people respond quickly.
  4. New shoes: Shoes can change your perspective on life. Not really. Just kidding, really. Yeah, I ordered and got the Torys, so yeah I'm hype.
    Ms. Brown & I.
    I need to find my Essie!
  5. Puns and witty jokes. Because I'm lame. And I make math jokes. Oh, and there's nothing more attractive than a guy who is witty.
Hope everyone had a great week and has an even better next week! Sorry this Five on Friday was kind of boring? Was it? I don't really know...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Deliciousness: Quesadillas

In honor of Cinco de Mayo yesterday!

I'm not always a huge fan of quesadillas; I love to have lots of ingredients in my tortilla, which is why I usually eat burritos or burrito bowls. However... I just had the most delicious quesadilla! And it was homemade... even better! It will probably be my lunch for the rest of the... week? Month? Year? Haha, who knows?!

Anyways my new delicious quesadilla had (guess!) avocado in it... yes, I know, I'm obsessed! The obsession is real.

Ingredients: one small tortilla, shredded cheddar cheese (or Mexican cheese), two slices of deli ham, 1/4 avocado (depending on how much avocado you want... 1/4 of an avocado is a lot for this!)
  1. Sprinkle shredded cheese evenly on tortilla.
  2. Put tortilla in toaster oven. I used bagel mode. 
  3. Take tortilla out when top of tortilla is crispy and cheese is melted. Don't let cheese burn!
  4. Slice avocado into slices. (Just use a butter knife, or even a plastic knife... avocado is really easy to slice!)
  5. Add two slices of deli ham onto tortilla.
  6. Add avocado onto tortilla.
  7. Fold and cut in half. Enjoy!
    So tasty.
    With a side of cherry tomatoes!
Folded and sliced... and ready for your enjoyment!

Sunday, May 4, 2014


So sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been so busy! Friday was our Student Council dance, which I have yet to blog about. I literally was nonstop Friday. I didn't have a minute to myself until I got home, which was after 11pm. Sorry I didn't post a Five on Friday... I'll make up for it next week! (Or I'll try to...)

Happy birthday Audrey Hepburn!
Image via Google Images