Saturday, February 14, 2015

Five on Galentine's Day!

Happy Galentine's Day y'all! After I watched Parks and Recreation, I fell in love with the concept of Galentine's Day. A day to celebrate your gal pals and how awesome they are!


Today was an early release day, and today was the day that singing valentines and roses were distributed! Singing valentines are my favorite thing ever. It's an annual tradition that honors chorus does where they sell singing valentines to raise money for their chorus trips. The chorus breaks off into small groups and sells love songs that they sing. This year's song choices included All Of Me, What Makes You Beautiful, Lean On Me, Hey There Delilah, I'm Yours, Love Story and Where You Lead.

Singing valentines are so cute, awkward and embarrassing. The group comes in the middle of class and the recipient gets to sit in the front of the classroom as the group sings to them! I love them, and they're really good. They have dance moves and everything! Some even have guitar playing.

I sent two: one to SS and one to J. SS knew hers was coming, but J didn't know about his! It was very exciting. Sadly, I don't have the two class periods that the singing valentines came with either of them, but we talked about it and I asked people in their classes! It was really fun. SS sent me a singing valentine as well, and it was really cute! I got Hey There Delilah, which consisted of four boys and one playing guitar! It was so good, and I was smiling the entire time because I was so embarrassed/enjoying every second of it.

One of the volunteering clubs also had a sale on roses, with the proceeds going to the Brown Bag Ministry. I love love love flowers! I think they're absolutely gorgeous. My sweet friend GM, my twin, got me one, as it started off as a joke! SS got me one too. They absolutely made my day.

I'm so appreciate of all the great friends I have in my life and Valentine's Day (and any day) is perfect to express feelings of gratitude and love towards each other!

Here we go, here we go, my five on Friday...
  1. Flowers: Forget candy, teddy bears or jewelry, I'd much rather have flowers and love notes. I'm the most sentimental person ever, so I'd much rather have a list of ten reasons why you enjoy spending time with me, or a personalized mixtape, or photos of the two of us. But there's something so lovely about fresh flowers that I just can't resist.
  2. House of Cards: New favorite show. It's so addicting. I went with J to lunch (PDQ) this week and got him hooked onto it. You know... BFF probz. I love politics, as crazy as it all is. Call me crazy that I still want to go into it! ;)
  3. Cough drops: My BFF this week. I've been waking up with sore throats all week and cough drops and hot water make me a happy Sam.
  4. Cheesy Valentine's Day Cards: They make me chuckle. 
    Images via Tumblr
  5. Hey There Delilah: Because it was stuck in my head all of today. It's still the most beautiful song. 

Sorry this was supposed to be posted yesterday (Friday!). Happy Valentine's Day, y'all! 

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