Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How to Be a Better You

I've learned recently not to take things too seriously and not to worry too much about the future, but rather focus on the present. I've been living by this approach, taking things day by day.

That being said, I am thinking about upcoming events and making sure I'm prepared... but for the most part, I'm keeping my worries and thoughts on the present. It's a really nice way to approach life, especially since I'm infamous for my constant worrying and anxiety.

Here are some of my favorite things to do to bring out my best self (one of my unwritten now written 2015 resolutions, so general and cliche- I know, I know) and focus on my present self:

  • Work out: Over break, I rediscovered the love and simplicity of working out. I hate going to the gym because I hate seeing people I know while working out... (I know, it's so stupid and it sucks! Other than that and the occasional creepy old man, I love going to the gym!) But my fear of running into people is enough to keep me working out at home. I love using the Cafe Mom videos since they're easy to follow, and only 30 minutes per workout (includes the warm up, work out and cool down)- while you still get a good sweat. The one I do the most is the 30-Minute Cardio video, however I've recently started the Cardio Kickboxing one. My goal is to continue doing one a day (time permitting) while school occurs. My favorite thing about working out is not only that it burns calories, but reduces stress and makes you more energized! Perfect break in the middle of doing lots of homework.
  • Read a book: Instead of watching another episode of Friends on Netflix (really tempting I know! I haven't done a Five on Friday in a while, but Friends on Netflix would definitely make the list), reading a book doesn't rot your brain like TV and can provide a similar experience! I forgot how amazing it is to read and imagine the story.
  • Clean Your Room: When my room is cluttered, my brain is cluttered. I'm pretty sure there's some scientific study that can go with this. That being said, and my indecisiveness of what to wear, my room is almost always a mess. My goal is to clean my room today or Friday to help!
  • Stay Organized: I live by Google Calendar. I will do an intense post on how I like to stay organized soon. (I go all out!) It's nice to see all my events in one place, from tests to social events to work, I can organize and plan my time out accordingly.
  • Keep Up With Current Events: This might just be the news junkie inside me, but I love keeping up with current events. It helps a lot when people are discussing them and you can contribute to the conversation instead of just nodding along. You become a more aware, smarter and considerate person when you learn about the world that you're living in. My personal favorite way is by following news on Twitter, because I'm always on Twitter, so I have time to read those articles as I'm scrolling through my Twitter feed. I follow, The NY Times, WSJ and The Associated Press on Twitter.
I'll be writing a post soon on how to be your best school self (since new semester!) soon! Have a great rest-of-your-week.

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