Saturday, August 2, 2014

Five on... Saturday

I'm sorry, I'm sorry... after a day of shopping and work, I was ready to hit the hay early last night, and I did. I watched an episode of Mixology (mixed feelings about Mixology so far... haha, get it?) and fell asleep. I didn't wake up until noon today; I was exhausted.

I had a very social week. Monday included a Noodles & Co (our favorite place or what?) and shopping date with SS and AV. Tuesday included an old friend, HD's outdoor party where AS and TD met for the first time! Thursday included a High School Musical date with Chick-Fil-A (our favorite place... besides Panera) ALD, JSC and MF. Friday included a trip to the mall with ALD and JSC, and a late night of work! Yay for being back at work. I've missed it so much. I'm really fortunate to have the best job in the world.

Here's my Five on Saturday!
  1. Harry Potter for Kinect - Xbox 360: We got this game last night and have been playing it ever since! I think it's a really fun Kinect game that get you moving, shouting different spells and excited! The game is short (my brothers got to Year 4 in a few hours by last night), but it is a fun game. I played the game a little today and activities I completed included: making my way to the Lestrange vault in Gringotts with Ron, Hermonie, Harry and Griphook; saving Ron and Hermonie with the help of gillyweed during the Goblet of Fire competition; fighting death eaters with Hermonie; battling Voldemort; and practicing defense against the dark arts with Dumbledore's Army. The game overall felt like a lot of different minigames connected with the storyline in between, so it wasn't the best game in the world, but it's a lot of fun! 
    Harry Potter for Kinect - Xbox 360
  2. Studying Abroad: I've been looking at different study abroad programs for a while now. Studying abroad is most definitely something I'd love to do, and traveling the world in general. While this isn't studying abroad exactly, I think this is even cooler... teaching abroad. With the English Camp Company, you get to teach English to Italian and Austrian kids, and you don't even need to know how to speak any language other than English! For obvious reasons, the minimum age is 19, but I'm already looking. I'll need to do a lot more research before even presenting it to my parents so they can consider it, but I'm really excited for a cool opportunity like this! As you all know, I'm a summer camp counselor right now and I love kids. I also love teaching and I've considered it as a career path many times. However the only worry with going into an education field is supporting myself financially. I still have time to explore many more career options, and I'm interesting in learning more about the business field... we'll see! But wouldn't teaching English to Italian kids in Italy be the coolest job EVER?! My best friend (MNR)'s brother spent a previous summer teaching English to kids in France... so cool! I would love to talk to him if I pursue the application about teaching ideas, problems that arose and his overall experience. PS: I love reading the History In High Heels blog about her experiences traveling abroad in Italy... she gets to go every summer now! Super cool (and I'm super jealous!). 
    Image via The English Camp Company website
  3. Family: Because my aunt is driving 10 hours up here just so I can have my cousin's car and flying back home the next day. I'm so blessed for my family!
  4. Informal is Now Normal: New favorite Spotify playlist. It's been on replay all day now.
  5. Cute workout clothes: My obsession with Lululemon and Athleta is not a good sign. Mainly because I don't even workout... often. As JSC said, "It would be such a Sam move (to start working out just because she got cute workout clothes)." Yes, yes it would. Anyone up for Lulu yoga classes with me on Sunday mornings? We can get froyo after... ;) I actually think I might have to buy some of these tanks and maybe workouts will be a result of these purchases... I'm pretty sure that'll justify the price tags, that and the amazing quality.

    All Tied Up Tank
    Vita Loca Tank
    Intertwine Tank 2
    Prisma Tank

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