Monday, November 17, 2014

You Gotta Regatta

This was one of every girl's all time fav Lilly prints, am I right? I have always loved sailing, kayaking, boats, anything dealing with water. I went sailing with my Girl Scout troop on a camping trip focused on sailing, kayaking and canoeing, and I fell in love. While I'm not the best to set up a Sunfish boat, I'm amazing at manning the sails. That's actually a dream date: with friends or boyfriends... to go sailing! It's so relaxing and just so enjoyable.

This girl who I have the highest regards for, HJ, is a rower. I read Carly's blog, and I remember hearing about her rowing adventures. It's always seemed like a cool sport. The only thing stopping me was the fear that I'd be behind since I started so late, the time commitment (M/Tu/Th/F/Sat), and how far away the location was (45 minutes away!). 

On Friday, I was talking with the sweetest girl in my calculus class, and she was talking about how she wishes she did rowing or fencing or a rather uncommon sport, (she plays soccer) because it helps a lot with college admissions. It sparked my interest, since I was already interested in rowing, and I seriously considered it. The other girls in the conversation listened to me weigh the pros and cons (are you even surprised?), and I don't play a sport yet... My next semester won't be too hard. 

Today, I talked to HJ about rowing, and she got really excited. She said I'd have to come to the "try-it-out" round in February. I might be a coxswain, except I believe I might weigh too much, I'm not sure though. I'll talk with her more about it, and do lots of research before February. Seeing as how its such a huge time commitment, I'll have to talk to my mom. I also have to see if I actually like the sport. We'll see, but I'm really excited to dive into this world and maybe find my calling?

It just seems like an ideal sport for me. The whole "starter pack" is trending on Twitter right now, and HJ made one for rowers which included Patagonias and Bean boots. Yes please! I love the water, and the sport itself. It's so interesting and I love how preppy it is (I am Preppy in NC... right?). It seems like the ideal sport for me.

Is anyone a rower? A coxswain? I'd love to hear about your experience! 

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