Monday, May 26, 2014


Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all those who have served, are serving and are planning to serve our country and keep us safe. Thank you to those who risk their lives so we can enjoy our lives.

"Home of the free because of the brave."

And... it's Monday. Say what? Time flies. It's May 26th?! For real?!

It seems surreal. But the never ending graduation and poolside photos are constantly reminding me that it's almost the end of May. Almost the end of the school year. Crazy. Time flies!

I'm so sad that it's almost graduation because I have many close friends leaving at the end of this year! I know they're going to do great things in their future! I wouldn't be surprised if you hear see some of their names in Time Magazine's Top 100 Influential People in a few years!

I'm especially thankful for the senior student body and senior class presidents, MJK and ST! They've always been so nice to me and J, and gave us lots of advice about how to lead our class well. I couldn't imagine two better people to lead the school than MJK and ST! And ST has been campaigning hard for me and J, since we can't officially campaign yet for Pres/VP next year! My friend H texted me saying that ST annouced to her anatomy class (which H is in) for everyone (in my grade) to vote for me and J! ST even made a call & response with the class:

ST: "Who are you gonna vote for?!?!?!"

I love ST so much. My friend EPP was telling me that ST was telling her statistics class (which EPP is in) that me & J are the best Pres/VP that (our grade)'s Student Council has ever had at our school. ST rocks!

J & I are so thankful to have supporters like ST. J & I have worked really hard this year, and we think we were successful with all of our tasks. Since we made a Twitter account for our class, more students know what student council is and does, and are more interested in joining. We have an interest meeting on Wednesday at lunch for all students interested in student council, so I'm excited to see the turnout! Hopefully they will all be committed members with good work ethics. My pre-calc teacher, Ms. B, who is the student council advisor for the grade above me, said that the second meeting had 1/2 the number of members compared to the first meeting. Hopefully J & I will be elected Pres/VP next year, and we'll have dedicated members! J & I have some great plans, and we are both sooo excited!

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! I had a blast in Atlanta, Georgia. Don't worry, there will be plenty of posts about this weekend soon. While there, I kept thinking "Wow! This would be a perfect blog post!" So... I will get on that ASAP. ;)

I know, I know, I've been slacking on my Five on Fridays. Can we just take a second to gasp at the fact that I only went to one class on Friday?! That is not a typical move for Samantha. Never. I don't think I ever ditched class until this semester. I've only done it two times! The first time, I missed first and second period the day of my statistics AP exam because if I had gone to second period, I would've had to take a test. No thanks! I'm that kid who even asks my teacher if it's okay for me to not show up to her class, so I don't have to take a test. This was my awesome teacher, Ms. B's class, and she understood because I had the AP exam. Ms. B rocks! So I didn't want to wake up and come to school just for my first period. And on Friday, I missed first period because I was studying like a madman for my second period test (the usual... got to love pre-calc) and I was leaving for Atlanta after. So I only went to my second period to take a test, is this my life?!

I went to Atlanta this weekend, and it was so much fun! Family vacations have their ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade them for the world. I wasn't planning on going shopping, but we had a relaxed day yesterday, so I went to the mall close to our hotel. Best decision ever! Somehow, every time I go shopping with my mom, we find the best deals! Just our luck. I'll post all about my newest purchases soon.

This week is a busy one too! I got home 1.5 hours ago, and I still have to finish my homework for first and second periods, practice a presentation for fourth period, and make up a test for third period (I actually missed this test from my statistics AP exam day, because I was taking the exam during third period... whoops!). The end of the year really snuck up on me!

I have some fun activities this week too (don't worry!). Tomorrow I have a meeting at my new job, (!!!) and I'm so excited! I'm going to be a summer camp counselor, and I will get to meet all my new co-workers. The meeting is not all business, there will also be a meet & great, fun & games, and a cookout-style picnic. Excited is an understatement.

Wednesday is our Student Council interest meeting. I can't wait to see who's interested in becoming a member of student council, and J & I will officially see who our competition for Pres/VP will be. I'm a little nervous for that, but it will all be okay! J & I are excited and nervous, but mainly excited.

I applied for a club called Ambassadors at my school, and got accepted! I'm really excited! Ambassadors lead Freshmen Orientation in the summer. A couple of my friends including J, another STUCO president NJ, and my good friend JZ are ambassadors too! I can't wait to see who else is in the club! J & I are already planning on running for officer positions next year. ;) I'm hoping to give tours with JZ! JZ and I get along really well. JZ was in my Spanish class last semester, and she's in my pre-calc class this semester! She's definitely the yin to my yang. She always calms me down and gives me the best advice! She always makes me feel better after a pre-calc test... And she always helps me with pre-calc, she's like a pre-calc genius. And a chemistry genius. And she's good at standardized testing?! (Yes, she is a real person!) I low key am jealous. Just kidding, it's not low-key. I've told her many times. Oh, and she's super athletic- last year, she did track and soccer- in the same season! They didn't allow her to do it this year, but soccer is really competitive at our school, and her main sport is running... she's just that talented. Oh and she loves theater and she can sing. Sorry I could go on about JZ all day. But the best part about JZ is that she's the nicest person ever, and we just click; I'm so excited for her to join STUCO this year! She tried to get me to join cross country, hahahaha no. I wish I could run, then I would! Anyways... back to the purpose of this paragraph- we have our first Ambassadors meeting after school on Thursday! Yay!

That's a not so quick recap of my life right now. Hope you're all enjoying the warm weather!

Last questions: anyone know where to get a cute pair of white jeans? Or wedges? I'm still looking. I really want a pair of white jeans right now! The need for wedges will come later this summer...

Also for my new job, I need to wear closed-toed shoes that are comfortable to walk around in! Should I get a pair of Nikes or Vans? I don't wear athletic shoes that often to school, so it would mainly be for summer, the gym and the occasional wear to school with Norts and a tee. Vans are really cute, but I've never owned a pair! Can I wear Vans with chino shorts and a tee? I think so. My mom is uncertain whether Vans are good quality or not... I'd love a pair of J.Crew Vans.

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