Saturday, May 31, 2014


I've been blogging all my saved drafts this week; this week has been so busy! But I love love love 4 day weeks. One of my teachers had some of his former students come back and talk to us about college, I'm so excited, and they mentioned how some students have 4 day weeks every week. Love it! Of course, I probably won't have that. I'm going to try and have my college schedule where I have my first class start around 9-10am, and hopefully have my last class end around 4pm. I mean, it's just the dream- life doesn't always follow the dream. I'd rather have a class or two everyday than five classes a day... even if that does mean giving up the dream of a 4 day week. Wow, didn't expect to make a paragraph out of one statement (my life), so there's your random daily fact about me!

My week has been a bit stressful, and I've learned a lot about myself, my limits and my friends. Words can't describe how thankful I am to have such amazing friends.

If you have a Twitter, and follow similar people that I follow, you've probably seen this bracelet all over. (Pretty sure the "Tweet Like A Girl"'s Twitter account has tweeted it, and all those "big" Twitter accounts that get 100k+ RTs.)

lokai Bracelet
It's called a lokai bracelet, and it has a great message with the bracelet! The white bead (at the top of the bracelet) is infused with water from Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth, and the black bead holds mud from the Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth. The bracelet's message is that the white bead represents your high points, "Sometimes you're on top, stay humble," and the black bead represents your low points, "Sometimes you've hit a low. Stay hopeful." The clear beads represent to keep moving forward. The two elements were brought together to find your balance. Click here to read the story behind to lokai bracelet. I would love to get one; I think the message behind the bracelet is perfect. 10% of the proceeds are donated to charities! It definitely describes these past few months for me: full of high points and full of low points.

Next week is going to be a busy one too, and the week after that. Thankfully the week after next is my last week! I just have to make it through finals! Please send positive thoughts for me these next few weeks: finals are so much worse when your grades depend on your final's grade, and for student council elections. I'm really nervous. I'm the type of person who hates being disliked. I guess most people are like that, but I take insults pretty badly. I need to stop caring what others think of me, and I usually am okay with it. J & I have just worked so hard on Student Council this year, and when a close friend told me that she heard two people running against us talk badly about me, it hurt a lot. I know that I shouldn't let things like that affect me, but I just hate it. I'm so thankful to have such great friends who can see how upset I am, and make me feel better with kind, supportive friends! I went into my next class hurt, but my friends quickly saw how I felt and they immediately were so sweet. I'm so glad for my peers- they're truly the best! Thanks to RH, SR, VV, DB, DS and JL!

Also a separate shout-out to my two close friends AS and HM! They're just amazing people and friends; it's times like these when I'm especially thankful to have them in my life. (Don't get me wrong, I'm always thankful for them!) 

And to my group of friends who are always supportive and kind: SS, TD, EPP, JG, AV, and JZ! What would I do without them? Oh and one more shout-out to my girls KD and BR for announcing to their English class to vote for me! (I'm not even in that English class!)

I'm really thankful for everyone's kind words and support! J & I have worked so hard, and we're really glad to have some great support.

On a non-school note, I'm trying to find more salad recipes! I love salad, and summer puts me in a salad mood! (Might or might not be influenced by the need for a summer bod...) Please send me your favorite salad recipes! It's times like these I wish we had a Sweetgreen in my area. I made a delicious salad with one of my favorite ingredients (not avocado!): fresh mozzarella. I've blog about it later. 

There have been some changes in my personal life too. (This is actually all my personal life... but you get the idea?) My mom cleaned my room for me. It's ironic, I'm the most organized person but my room was a mess. I don't really know why... probably because of all my clothes. Now it's not. Thanks Mom! You're the best. I got a new desk, which I'm in love with it. Our family friend had an extra desk, and I'm in love with it! It is white with a clear top, with room to put your papers and books underneath. It's hard to explain, but here's a photo. I love how much storage there is, and I'm really excited to add some photos in it! It's honestly my dream desk that I didn't even know I wasn't dreaming about!
View of my desk!
I have to add my textbooks and stationary,
and maybe tape some photos underneath the glass.

Just to give you a view...
The pen is on the surface,
My Google Calendar printed out
and English book are underneath!
It's awesome, and gives me so much room!
I'm in love!
I might do a post about it,
Once I add more stuff.

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