Saturday, August 23, 2014

Five on Saturday + A (Not So) Quick Recap

Seeing as how I crashed around 9pm (I don't remember, to be certain) and got much-needed 12 hours of sleep. After an amazing last week of camp, I can't believe it's already over! Doing before care with an awesome co-worker, working with preschoolers for the first time (and loving it!), and finally getting my hair cut and donated (and finally starting to love it!)... it's been an awesome week!

A (Not So) quick recap of my week...

I worked my last week of summer camp.

The limit for my love of summer camp DNE. (Pre-calc joke because I'm lame... sorry!) I truly love everything about where I work. I've said it once, twice, and many more times that it's annoying, I know. I'm going to miss my fun, enthusiastic co-workers who are always ready to lend a hand, I'm going to miss my adorable kids who never failed to make me laugh and smile, I'm going to miss telling knock-knock jokes with my 5-6 year olds, watching bovies (book-movies) with my kids and watching them die of laughter during the not-so-funny but funny jokes, seeing a kid feel so accomplished after making a necklace, watching kids interact with each other and learn. I'm going to miss everything so much. Here's to an amazing summer... and the best job ever! ;)

I worked with pre-schoolers for the first time this week and it was quite an adventure! They were so cute and as my boss M said, "Pre-school camp flies by because they do everything in slow motion." I couldn't agree more, while taking their time to wash their hands and playing with shaving cream, it was such a fun, relaxed week. Time truly flew by! It was amazing. They were so cute and teaching them to share toys, clean up after themselves and having to walk in a giant line where everyone was holding someone's hand was a lot of fun! I now adore pre-schoolers. My personal favorite age group is 5-6, but 3-4 is a close second! We received a card on the last day of camp from one of our preschooler's parents thanking us for a great week. It was really awesome, especially since this preschooler had difficulty leaving mom on the first day of camp.

This morning, I woke up to an email from my boss, who forwarded me and my co-camp counselor for this week an email from a copy writer (one who works with social media), sending us a kind Facebook post a parent posted. The post was so sweet and thanking us for a terrific week of our preschool camp, it made my heart so happy.

Knowing that my preschoolers had a great week of camp brings me so much happiness, it's indescribable. Sorry, I'm really mushy and cheesy... which is why I love summer camp and kids so much.

I also made a trip to Mellow Mushroom to celebrate their 40th anniversary! They had the items on their menu from 40 years ago as the same prices they were 40 years ago! A small cheese pizza was only $2.50! Coca-Cola products were only $0.30 and select beers were only $0.75! It was a lot of fun.

That night, I went to dinner at PDQ with JSC and ALD... We ordered 3 sides of fries... separately. Every time we finished one, one of us got up to order another. We tried so many of their different sauces from Buffalo BBQ, Ranch and Honey Mustard, and got milkshakes. It was so much fun! Although my stomach the next morning didn't quite agree with me! Good thing stomachaches come and go, memories stay forever! (How cheesy am I?) We drove around all night after just talking and listening to the radio. It's those nights that you cherish. (Mushiness out of the roof, sorry!)

I received a phone call from the presidents of Robotics club, I'm currently the social media coordinator for Robotics. I told them that I wouldn't mind doing more than tweeting cool links to robot articles and reminders, so they found me the perfect position. They needed more positions for the club, and they gave me a phone call about being the HR Director. As HR Director, I will be in charge of interest meetings, informing everyone about what the team is like, details about when we meet, being knowledgeable about the club, be in charge of the waiting list, working on the application and transfer requests, and if there are any problems within the team, being a mediator. It's the perfect job for me, since I'm enthusiastic, bubbly, love to talk (I may be the only person who loves public speaking), and love to work with others and help them with their problems. I'm really excited for this position! I love to be active in clubs and keep myself busy (post on that soon!), so this is perfect! As I want to go into PR, I think this position is similar to PR, which will be a great "trial" into the world of PR/HR!

We also had a Student Council meeting, and it was so much fun! Prom is coming so soon! (And when I mean soon, I mean 9 months!) I feel like we're planning a wedding, there's so much to do! I'm a little nervous especially with the number of STUCO members, how many will be participating and whatnot, but I'm also really excited! It's going to be an awesome year. PS: I attended my Student Council meeting soaking wet. I won Counselor of the Week and was surprised with a bucket of water poured on me by my boss (Friendly reminder that I have the best job EVER). All the kids at carpool laughed and once one of the campers realized that we had water tables out, and we were soaking wet, he screamed "Let's get the counselors wet!" We laughed and got super soaked. It was so much fun! Best ending to my summer job ever.

Oh and H is back in town! Yay! H and I are really excited for her guest posts on my blog to come soon. Sadly, she's really sick right now, so I haven't gotten the chance to see her yet, but I'm so excited to see her really soon!

Yay for a fun last week before school starts! I've got a lot of work to do this weekend of my summer assignments... fun stuff ;)

Here's my Five on Saturday!

  1. Preschoolers: Are you surprised? I loved working with them this week. Although they didn't know how to walk in line, share toys or clean up after themselves... they learned so much that week! It was amazing to see them grow and mature as the week went on. I absolutely adore them and their way of life: taking things slow, easy and one thing at a time. With all the chaos that's about to come with school, it was the perfect way to end the summer.
  2. Old Friends and New Friends: I talked to some old friends this week and it was amazing how we started right where we left off, even though it's been months or even years (in some cases) since we last talked. And here's to all my new friends I've met this summer! From my co-workers to friends I've met through other friends, I'm so excited to have met you and get to know you better. Here's to exciting times to come soon! I'm so blessed to have the most amazing people in my life. I hope I never take it for granted. 
  3. Donating Hair: There's no better feeling than getting your hair cut 9+ inches! It feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders (seriously!). And the amount of complements you'll get about your hair won't stop! When my co-workers stared at me on Monday, I was like "what is it?!", then they said "Your hair!" One of my sweet, sweet co-workers C ran over and hugged me, she loved it so much! She might be a recent grad of college and cheer, but I already think of her like an older sister/aunt, she's so much fun, sweet and caring. PS: I donated my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, an organization I love and have supported 3 times now!
  4. Collegiate Shirts: I don't know why, but I love a t-shirt 1939 times more if it's a collegiate shirt. (Example in photo above!) I'm currently wearing another Duke t-shirt right now. I love to wear my Brown long-sleeved tee as well, maybe it's the false pretense that I could get into Brown or Duke? Haha.
  5. Mouthful of Diamonds: I really love the tune to this song! In before care for summer camp, my boss M played this song for a bit before the campers came in, and was like "I don't think this song is bad, and then she was like "Wait! It talks about getting high on your own supply." Right after that, the song said that lyric. I love the tune, and M has the best taste in music. I was jamming to the kid-friendly indie songs she played all morning! [Side note: I adore M! She's so cool. She's the type of person who's allergic to cats, but has two of them, because she loves them too much and hasn't found a better home for them yet. Side side note: Oh and her boyfriend and her are the cutest! He works here too, and I worked with him the week I did guest experience- such a sweet guy! He saw me working with one of the preschoolers this week, who had Down Syndrome, and said "You're doing a great job, Sam!"]
Hope everyone has a great last couple days of summer/first days of school!

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