Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Still Here!

Sorry about the lack of posts this week. If you couldn't tell from the lack of posts or from reading my old posts, I'm back in school! Surprisingly, I had a great first day. (The year before, I wasn't happy and the year before that, I cried over the stress. Note: I cry. A lot. Sorry bout it.) The day after was harder, and today (the third day), I've gotten used to the schedule (but not the traffic situation: only one way in & out of my school at the moment as they're building another entrance... ugh!). I really like my classes that I'm taking this semester: AP US History, AP Environmental Science, Calculus AB and Entrepreneurship 1 Honors.

APUSH could be a little bit better, I'm a little sick of boring lectures and taking notes. I prefer hands-on activities, which is why APUSH isn't my ideal class. I love social studies, but more on the economics, government, current events side... I love debates, seminars and argumentative essays! I am very passionate about specific issues.

AP Environmental Science might be my favorite class. I have the best teacher ever! Mr. R is really relaxed, kind, always there to help, funny and the most organized person ever. I want to be as cool as him when I grow up! The classroom is huge and really cool- with painted marine animals on the walls (he also teaches marine ecology, I want to take it next year, as long as I get him as a teacher!), a class fish tank and gecko.

Calculus isn't too bad so far, even though we are only 3 days in. We are currently doing review, so it's not too bad and it's a nice refresh on pre-calc. I really like the way my teacher teaches, which is awesome. He explains it in a way that I understand, and (I'm weird) I like the fact that we have a mandatory homework notebook.

Entrepreneurship 1 is the best way to end my day. After all my AP classes, a fun, hilarious class is just what I need! Mr. T is this old, crazy, fun guy who always makes class fun. While we haven't done that much "fun stuff" yet, I know it will be! Mr. T told us about the two projects we'll be doing this semester: an interview with an entrepreneur, and making our own business plan! I immediately started thinking about these projects (I'm quite the crazy), and I would love the chance to interview the owners of Vestique, my favorite local boutique! The business has grown a lot since it opened, so it'd be awesome if I found the chance to get to talk to the owners in person, or even over the phone. Another idea could be my friend AV, as she has her own business, VuVu Designs! It'd be cool to hear her side as an entrepreneur, especially to hear how she balances her business, social life and school! (Perhaps a future interview on the blog? I think yes! This all just came to me, haha. I'll ask her!) I am excited to create a business plan for a fashion company similar to Vestique for my project next quarter!

It's been great seeing lots of my friends again, even though I get to school late now (thanks traffic!), so I don't get to see them in the morning, which sucks. Lunch is a whole different world now that we can go off-campus, you don't even see people if you don't off to lunch with them.

I went off to lunch with JG, Kai-D, SS and EPP on Tuesday; it was so much fun. We ended up going to Harris Teeter, Starbucks and Planet Smoothie. I got a Berry Bada Bing at Planet Smoothie and it was awesome! I could go for a smoothie daily.

We decided not to go off today, and it was a good idea! They started checking off-campus passes today, and although we all had ours, it caused a major wait to leave the parking lot. Most people didn't get to leave until halfway through lunch! Around 50 people didn't get to go off since they didn't have their pass. It's crazy with only one way in and out of the school- we're all very frustrated. Tomorrow, I'm going off with bae, MS, and hopefully the lunch situation gets better! I haven't seen him since school starts, so excited is an understatement. (MS, if you're reading this- hi!)

Again, sorry for the lack of blog posts. With the long weekend coming up (yay!), I will be blogging lots of drafts to post throughout the week so you can still enjoy Traveling and Buttondowns! Thanks for reading, y'all are the best. I have lots of exciting posts including lots of Back to School themed posts, how to personalize your school supplies (cute binder covers tutorial!), organization, eating healthy, and lots more! Let me know what posts you want to see! Lots of my posts will be relating to school since that's the main thing going on in my life. Every time I do something somewhat cool, I think "Hey! I should put this on the blog!"

Have a great rest of the week!

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