Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pint-Sized Recap

What's going on in my life...

I fell in love with the confidence wearing a black bra gives me.

I tried out a new job at my job... from summer camps to working in the museum gallery exhibits.

I found out what I want to major in, with some help of a college student... public relations.

I received the sweetest email from my sweet friend from elementary school. It made me tear up. For real. I'm considering printing it out to look at it daily. AF is the kindest girl in the world and has a way with words.

I did some major shopping. I got some new Clinique supplies (my all time fav, post coming soon) and a LaRoque dress!

PS: I got this LaRoque dress for $30... you read that correctly.

I got my eyebrows threaded for the first time. I teared up, not because of pain, just because of reaction. I feel fierce now.

I hung out with one of my STUCO advisers, and we sold 65+ class t-shirts. Yay!

I got the real scoop on college from a family friend.

I was reunited with SW at a family friend party at her house. SW and I could talk for hours. We have so much to catch up on!

I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am to have the best job ever. I adore my coworkers, bosses, job and the atmosphere which I work in. Not many people can say they leave their job happier than they came in... I can.

I've read 80% of Mindy Kaling's "Is Everyone Else Hanging Out Without Me" book on the Kindle. I adore it.

As a result, I've been rewatching The Office recently. I've fallen back in love with Michael Scott and the rest of Dunder Mifflin.

I am reminded of how awesome, my president, J is. He's the best!

I got my official schedule, and 3 out of my 4 classes first semester are APs... ah!

I was reminded of just how much I love kids. So so so much.

My aunt drove all the way up from Florida, just to drop off my car. She's the best and I'm so blessed. Leather seats and a sunroof? I'm hype. (It might be my mom's car though, since it might be harder for me to park since it's bigger... but eventually it'll be mine. Hopefully eventually is soon.)

I'm ready for college for one reason: free stuff! My aunt dropped off some stuff my cousin didn't want, which included a handful of my favorite things: collegiate shirts. My cousin went to Duke, and she had so many Duke shirts, as well as a Boston College and Brown shirt, which I'm wearing now! She also dropped off some make-up for me... I love having older cousins!

I am still waiting for someone to nominate me for the ALS Challenge. Anyone?

And I'm still procrastinating on my summer assignments. Yep, there's that.

Prom planning is still on its way... hopefully we'll pick a venue soon! We're trying to find the perfect one that's within the budget and has all of our requirements. Fingers crossed the one we're looking at now will work!

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