Monday, June 16, 2014

A-B-C's of Happiness

I was on Tumblr for the first time in forever, and I found myself in love with Tumblr again. Sometimes I take breaks from it, so when I go back, I fall back in love with it. (Follow me on Tumblr!!)

A Tumblr post inspired me to do this post. Here are the A-B-C's of my happiness.

A: AS, art museums, avocado, art, aquariums, adventures
B: balloons, buttondowns, blogging, Bible verses, bumblebees, buttons, babies, baby spinach, bubbles, bagels, beach, blankets, books, bookstores, beluga whales, bicycling, boats
C: camp, cuddling, Coldplay, corn on the cob, crab legs, Coca Cola commercials, candid photographs, campfires, chino shorts, crepes, coffee, cheese, complements, coffee shops, cursive, cheesy jokes, culture, chimpanzees, charades, candy corn, concerts
D: dogs, deep talks, design, documentaries, Disney movies, dolphins, driving with friends, dressing up
E: English, education, event planning
F: fro-yo, fonts, fresh mozzarella, flowers, fireworks, friends, family, food trucks
G: graphic design, Gossip Girl, gingerbread cookies
H: happiness, happy tears, handwritten notes, headbands, H
I: indie music, ice cream, Ingrid Michaelson
J: John Mayer, Jack Johnson, J.Crew, John Green, juicing
K: kids, Kindergarten, kayaking, Kate Spade
L: local businesses, learning, listening to friends' problems, lemon water
M: MGMT, MS, Mexican food, magazines, music, mac & cheese
N: newspapers, naps, nonfiction books
O: One Tree Hill, ocean
P: photo booth strips, posters, puns, parmesan cheese, paper airplanes, people watching, pancakes, pizza, photography, playing, poetry, painting, pillows, pumpkin anything (bread, pie, latte), popsicles
Q: quotes
R: reading, rainy days, rock climbing, roller blading, road trips
S: sleepovers, SS, shoes, salads, sunglasses, snail-mail, singing out loud, showers, sunshine, splashing in puddles, stripes, sleep, sparklers, sailing, strawberry picking, student council, school, snickerdoodles, sunrises & sunsets, scooters, swimming, smoothies, sales, Spotify, SW
T: traveling, Tory Burch, teachers, tomatoes
U: Up (the movie)
W: witty remarks, Wall Street Journal, walking, Winnie the Pooh, 'windows down & sunroof up' driving,
X: Xmas (Christmas... sorry, I tried my best)
Y: yearbooks, yellow pants
Z: zippers, zoos, zebras

I'll be adding to this list as life goes on. In a different font color so we'll be able to see happiness as life goes on. What are your A-B-C's of happiness?

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