Sunday, June 8, 2014

Recap: Finals Weekend

Just something to keep in mind before you read about my amazing weekend - I still have 3 out of 4 finals to take. But I had an awesome weekend. Study time is tonight. Ugh, I really should be studying for my final tomorrow. We'll get there. I'm in the middle of Unit 2... there are 10 units. Yep.

Friday: A date with some friends at Noodles & Co, window shopping, TFOIS and then hanging out at a friend's house. Not to be forgotten: hilarious tweets and walking to her house and tripping and scraping my knee while my friends laughed. KD drove us around in her Jeep (jealous!) and I almost closed the car door on SS... didn't know she was coming out my door! Whoops... that could've been really bad. Really bad. Thank goodness everyone was fine and the night was perfect! I didn't want it to end.
Tip: If you ever eat at Noodles & Co and get a meal, order a side salad/soup.
It's $1 with the meal and it's great for $1!
Always need your veggies.

Saturday: We went out to Red Lobster for my brother's belated birthday dinner. I'm not quite sure why, since we barely go there, but he really wanted lobster. I wasn't quite used to Red Lobster for birthday dinners, my other brother and I usually choose Maggiano's. But it was good, and I'm a huge seafood fan!
Then we dropped my brother off at a movie he was seeing with his friends, and we went shopping around the strip mall. After realizing I couldn't afford anything in Anthropologie or the boutique that sells Tory and gorgeous clothes, we went into our favorite store- REI. I got a pair of exercise tights in a kids XL, even though my size is a kids L... so they're looser than a pair of tights. The pattern on them is insanely bright. When I snapchatted some friends the pants, they were "eh" about them. When I went to look at something else and came back, my dad already bought them. After wearing them around the house today (Sunday), I think I'm glad I bought them. They're really comfortable and such a cool design.
What do we think of the pants?
Crazy, I wasn't lying.
On the way home, we stopped at Trader Joe's to pick up some groceries, and convinced my dad to let us buy some froyo from TCBY. I tried a mixture of peanut butter and caramel froyo, and Japanese black sesame froyo. Yum!
After passing a family friend's house who just got a new puppy, my dad called them to ask if we could come visit. Turns out they were at Five Guys, so we actually went to Five Guys where they were with the puppy to meet it. The puppy is a 2 month old Maltese, and he's the cutest! He weighs less than 2lbs and he's adorable. We caught up with them and hung out.

Sunday: I was planning on studying all day. Nah. My mom told me about this local food truck convention happening in downtown. My brother slept over at a friend who lived in downtown, so the timing was perfect. We went to eat some amazing food, and it was amazing! I'm hoping to go with a friend or family to the next one in August. (Full post on the food truck convention to come!)

Now I'm studying for my finals this week. Wish me luck!

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