Friday, April 11, 2014

Five on Friday

This week was wonderful. I had many great days in a row. (Three great days in a row?! Is this for real?!) A quick recap of my week, it was a busy one!

On Monday, I had a job interview! I will talk more about the interview,  after I found out whether I got the job or not. It was my first job interview, and I think I did well! I hope I did well... but we will see what they thought of me.

I had extra work to do this week, since I didn't go to school today! I also had to help prep the Beta Club Induction Ceremony.

On Wednesday, there was a lot of work to be done for the Induction Ceremony on Thursday! We also are prepping for a student council dance, so there have been many emails back and forth with the student council officers and the PTSA representative.

Thursday was chaos! I had to take two quizzes, and help prep for the Induction Ceremony! I was back at school at 6pm to prep for the ceremony.  We, the officers, were nervous, but the ceremony went smoothly. It was a fun night!

Today I went on my field trip to Cisco. I was a little nervous because I wasn't sure if I wanted to have a career in the STEM area, and I was nervous I wouldn't like it. However, I had the best time today! Today was Cisco's Girls in ICT event. The event really emphasizes how more girls should explore STEM careers. Cisco was amazing, and there was so much cool technology! I'm so glad I got to be part of such a wonderful experience! I will make a post about that soon...

So that was my week! And here is my Five on Friday...
  1. theSkimm: I subscribed to their emails last night, and I read today's email in the car on the way to Cisco this morning! It's my new favorite way to keep up with the news! "theSkimm is the daily e-mail newsletter that gives you everything you need to start your day. We do the reading for you - across subject lines and party lines - and break it down with fresh editorial content." theSkimm is great to catch up on the news! I love it! I am already looking forward to reading tomorrow's theSkimm email! 
    Image via Real Simple
  2. Field trips: Of course. Especially because I went on a field trip today! I forgot how fun field trips are. We rarely (like this might be my only field trip in high school) have field trips, and all my friends were so jealous! It's really different having field trips in high school than having field trips in elementary and middle school. I think that many field trips in high school (especially my trip to Cisco today) focus on careers and networking. Networking is essential! I'm thankful that I love to talk, and I'm pretty confident when talking to strangers, and meeting others. I had an amazing time, and I have made lots of new friends. The Cisco employees were so helpful; I will definitely be staying in touch with them! I will try and arrange a field trip for my Future Business Leaders of America club to visit and tour Cisco! It was a great time. I learned a lot about the company, STEM careers, and felt very empowered afterwards! 
    Telecommuting with Cisco employees all over the country!
  3. John Mayer: With a busy week, I had to listen to some John Mayer while finishing all my assignments! I have always loved John Mayer, but haven't listened to him in a while. His music always calms me down and makes me so happy. Nothing relaxes me like John Mayer. I'd love to go to a John Mayer concert sometime! John Mayer toured in my area last year, and I really regret not going. 
  4. Prom: I'm not going to prom this year. But I am volunteering at it! I'm really excited. As part of student council, I will be helping out with prom. I'm so excited to see all my friends that are going to prom, and seeing everyone dressed up! To be honest, I have no clue what to expect from prom. Is all slow dancing? Is it just like a middle school dance (aka grinding) with really fancy clothes? Oh, and I already found my prom dress for next year! (Possibly, very possibly. Hopefully!) Isn't it gorgeous?! It's the dream. With a cute promposal, of course! 
    I made the image extra large, because that's how gorgeous it is!
    Image via RTR
  5. Warm Weather: I've been loving the warm weather lately! It's perfect smoothie and snoball weather! (snoballs being the snoballs from Pelican's! Yum!) I love reading and doing homework outside, just doing everything outside! I just can not stand the pollen. My allergies are out of control. Tissues, tissues everywhere! 
    Sweet tea and orange & pineapple snoball
    I love Pelican's!


    You know it's spring when...
    The flowers are blooming!
    Image via my Instagram

    Hope everyone had a great week! I hope everyone has a great upcoming week! Here's to a great weekend and upcoming weeks.

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