Friday, April 25, 2014

Five on Friday

It was not my week, from friendship to allergies. I don't hate many things, but I do hate pollen. I'm glad the (school) week is over, and I'm ready for a fresh new start.

Without further ado, here is my five on Friday!
  1. Retail therapy: #sorrynotsorry. I know this isn't a healthy habit, but shopping online really does make me feel better. Finding out that I might be able to get Torys made my day a lot better. I know I'm materialistic, but it makes me happy. So yeah. Yay for online shopping. Aka mainly just looking online and deciding whether or not it's a good enough deal to ask my parents. Here are some of my favorite things from this week. I hope to go to the mall this weekend so I can try on Torys, check out the Anthropologie sale, see the C.Wonder sale, and hopefully shop my heart out. The weekend is pretty busy, but I really hope I will make the trip down there! 
    I ordered this dress for our student council dance.
    I love it, and I'm so excited to pick it up on Tuesday!
    Image via my Pinterest
  2. Coffitivity: I just saw this on Corals & Cognacs, and I had to check it out. This is an interesting theory that coffee shops' sounds boost creativity. I think this is interesting, and I haven't downloaded this app yet, but I think I'll try it out. You never know, right? And there's nothing I love more than the coffee shop atmosphere... iced coffees, avocado toast (if I lived in NYC), giant cookies, people watching. I reunited with my best friends last year at a local coffee shop, and it was amazing. Iced coffees, giant cookies, and reuniting with some of the most intelligent, kind, caring, beautiful (inside & out), and interesting people. (aka my BFF's: M, AF, & AM!) M's sister was sitting on her laptop at her own booth drinking an iced latte typing away on her laptop. She was people watching and typing brief descriptions of her observations. They were really interesting to listen to because it was just based off those 15 seconds she saw them. I'd love to do the same thing sometime.
  3. Alex Winston's Guts: Such a good song. I found it on my Haim Pandora, and Alex's voice is amazing.
  4. This Lilly print: Just because I really want a picnic. Despite my allergies. I don't think I've ever been on a picnic. Packing food, good conversation, and beautiful scenery. Oh and how cute is this Anthropologie picnic set? I want it. I really want it. Pretty please? 
    Image via Lilly's Pinterest
  5. Anthropologie's house & home section is on point.
    More on point than usual.
    I have been repinning Anthro's home decor all day!
  6. Learning: After talking with my homegirl A, she explained to me that even though the situation sucked, it was a learning experience. A life lesson. I'm so blessed to have A, and someone there for me to explain the bright side of all of this.
I'm so excited for a weekend to relax, refresh and rejuvenate. Here's to the weekend!

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