Saturday, April 19, 2014

Five on Friday

I'm actually starting to type this at 11:54pm today. Whoops - sorry! It's been a lazy and busy day. It's been quite the day.
  1. Swimsuits: I don't know if it's just me, but I'm falling in love with swimsuits. Not bikinis. Swimsuits, the one piece ones. Maybe it's just because J.Crew makes the most gorgeous swimsuits. I've been all over J.Crew's website recently, (shopping withdrawals at its worst!) and the swimsuits just look so elegant and pretty. I don't know, is it just me? I would love that sailboat one. 
    Image via J.Crew

    Image via J.Crew
  2. Avocado: This probably didn't come as a surprise after my most recent post. But I am obsessed with avocado. I had another snack that day with avocado and crackers. This time, melted cheese and salami was added. Perfection. 
    Image via my Instagram
  3. Kids' collections: I was originally going to just put Crewcuts, because my obsession with visiting the Crewcuts page on J.Crew's site is real. I was just reading Design Darling, and I found out the link to this article. Gap's kids collection is collaborating with Kate Spade! AH! I'm going to try and squeeze into that XL. ;) 
    For traveling!
    Oh my, oh my.
    I don't think I've loved a pair of flats more!
    Graphic of NYC for play days.
    Love how versatile this can be.
    These pants are the coolest!
    They scream "FIERCE" to me.
     I'd love to wear these pants to
    The zoo, the art museum, the park, or just a day around the city!
    Birthday attire.
    All images above via J.Crew's Crewcuts

  4. Rock climbing: I got the opportunity to go rock climbing yesterday. It was pretty awesome! I had a blast. I'm pretty scared of heights, but I tried my best to get over it. I felt the need to just climb when I saw the elementary school kids climbing faster than me! ;) It was really fun, and my arms got a workout. I think rock climbing takes a lot of strength physically and mentally; it's a great experience that I'd love to do again! 
    Image via my Instagram
  5. MGMT Pandora: When I was rock climbing, the music was so on point. There was Passion Pit, MGMT, The Naked and Famous, Miike Snow, and so many great artists. I just had to ask the staff working at the rock climbing center what radio they were playing, he told me it was MGMT. Guess what I'm currently listening to now? If you guessed MGMT Pandora, you are right. ;) 
  6. EXTRA (As an apology for posting this a day late, and because this needs to go on a Five on Friday post!) Thanks to A for introducing me to this song, it's been on replay all week: Arctic Monkeys' Knee Socks.

And Friday was my girl JH's birthday! Happy birthday Hooolia!

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