Thursday, April 17, 2014

Happy Fake Friday! (Part 2)

Yay for fake Fridays. Another fake Friday?! Yes, I'm getting pretty spoiled. ;)

Unfortuntely this will be my last fake Friday for a while. We had nine snow days aka nine days school was canceled this semester, so the county decided to take out all our teacher workdays. We have tomorrow off because it's a holiday. You're so good to me, Good Friday! (I'm pretty punny in real life. Yep, I said punny.)

Recap of this week? Nothing too exciting, I've just been going to bed really late, and taking naps after school. Such bad habits!

I helped sell prom tickets for the first time; it was so much fun! I bombed some tests, which is not so fun. Analytic trigonometry is not my thing.

My friend RS and I are thinking of starting a club! I knew RS before through mutual friends and being in mutual clubs. RS and I have become really close this year, we have the first two periods together. She's so sweet and smart! We get along well, and we both are in love with smart boys who are good with kids! (I mean, obviously.) She's so easy to talk to, and we just have so much fun! RS and I have English together, and our English class is a little different. We have the honors students and academic students mixed, which is normal... but we also have students who are part of curriculum assistance, they just need a little more help than most students. We have two teachers in the classroom, and the class is different than most English classes.

RS and I enjoy helping out these students in English. We were talking about clubs. Today in English, I just had a random idea while we were working on an English project. One of our teachers complimented me for adding due dates to my Google Calendar and agenda; she also said "If only the entire class was like you..." It got me thinking. Some of these curriculum assistance kids were very bright, they just didn't always apply themselves.

Why don't we help them? I brought it up to RS, "Why don't we start a club where we provide assistance to the students in curriculum assistance?!" Yes, they have their own class for it, but wouldn't it be nice to have a peer help them out?

RS and I have pre-calc together, and I showed her an idea I thought of, to memorize formulas. She said "That's so creative! You should make a website where you can post these ideas for other students!" It turns out RS had gotten my study guide from world history sent to her via a mutual friend, and she told me how much that helped. Truth be told, I was making it more for myself, but I had to share it with my friends in world history!

RS loved the idea, and said she was interested in getting more involved with clubs. I asked "Why don't we start it together?!" She couldn't agree more.

I thought about it some more in second period. It could be like a mentoring club. Students could mentor other students, just provide some tips for note taking, organization skills, projects, keeping up with due dates, homework, and whatever else they needed. The students could talk to each other about problems, academic or social, that they might not want to tell a teacher. The students could guide and help each other. If a student was struggling with a particular subject, the mentor could help them find a student tutor that could help the student... Just to help out these kids' lives.

We're still just brainstorming ideas. We actually just came up with this idea today. But I'll keep you posted! I don't know what the teachers will think of the idea, but we'll probably brainstorm more ideas and then present it to the curriculum assistance teachers.

What do you think? Please be honest. If you don't think it will work, why not? We'd love to hear suggestions about this club before presenting it to the teachers!

Oh, and I saw an old friend in the hallway today. I said hi, and she offered me a free Bojangle's sweet tea. She was like "I got this for free, do you want it?" Yay for random acts of kindness! Thanks LC! It sure made my day.

Yay for fake Fridays!

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