Thursday, April 10, 2014

Happy Fake Friday!

It's Thursday, I know, I know.

But for me, it's a fake Friday! I'm going on a field trip to Cisco tomorrow as part of Cisco's "Girls Interested in IT" day!

I am currently taking a networking class, and it wasn't my first choice. However, the teacher is super nice, all the guys (there's only one other girl in the class) are really cool, and overall the class is pretty interesting. I'm not sure if I want to have a career in IT (information technology) yet, but I'm definitely interested in learning more about the field! I'll let you know how it goes, I might not be allowed to take a ton of photos, but we'll see. I have no idea what to expect; all I know is that I'm excited!

Today was another pretty good day. I ended up going to sleep at midnight, (come on Sam, really?!) and I have quite a busy day today! I had a pre-calc quiz, (mentioned in my It's the Little Things post) and a map quiz of Southwest & Central Asia (that everyone else is taking tomorrow).

I'm the secretary of my school's Beta Club, and tonight is our induction ceremony for our new members! We have a record number of new members, which is really exciting! (and kind of intimidating for the officers!) We are having to find more volunteer events than ever, but now we're getting more emails from people with volunteering opportunities- we're really getting our name out there! Yay!

However, with the induction ceremony the week back from spring break! (Not the best timing!) We've had so much to do, we've had to create Sign Up Geniuses (Sign Up Genius is a lifesaver) for food, volunteers for the ceremony, make programs, and prepare our speeches for tonight! Ah! We've done a lot for the ceremony this week, and I'll be really relieved after the ceremony has finished. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited. But stress! Ah! I hope everything runs smoothly, but I know it will be. (Future blog post on induction ceremony? Maybe if I take enough photos, and if it's worth blogging about!)

A fake Friday is pretty cool though. I dig this whole "4 day school week" thing, even though I'm technically on an educational field trip tomorrow, I'm not waking up at 6:30am- so it's a win-win for me. I love school, and I hate missing school, but it's always nice to have a break, and to experience something new!

Yay for fake Fridays! For the rest of you, tomorrow is Friday! Yay! I'm excited to write a "Five for Friday" post tomorrow, I love writing them! I hope you guys love reading them! My friend SW told me that's her favorite part of my blog- which is so cool!

While making this blog, I have learned how much work it takes to make a blog post. Adding hyperlinks, photos, captions... it makes me appreciate bloggers that blog everyday. Because, yes, I check blogs daily.

Five for Friday is great! All week, you think about things that you really appreciate to add to your Five for Fridays. If you have a blog, definitely consider something like Five for Friday, or even Five for Friday! It's a great way to recap your week too!

PS: Happy belated birthday to Leighton Meester! It was her birthday yesterday, and I learned after posting my post yesterday via Twitter. You're gorgeous, and Blair Waldorf will always be Queen Bee in my heart.
Image from Leighton Meester's ads for Vera Wang perfume

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